The enviornment, politics, theatre, music, any good book, funny movies and tv. There, I think that pretty much covers everything.
My taste in music varies so widely it would be impossible for me to name all the musicians I listen to. Some of my favorites are: The Beatles, Don McClean, Cat Stevens, The Corrs, Bruce Springsteen, John Lennon, Paul Simon, Buddy Holly, Dar Williams, Tori Amos but never Toby Keith, NEVER! ..
Shaun of the Dead, Waiting for Guffman, The Princess Bride, The Wizard of Oz, Fargo and pretty much anything else hat makes me laugh.
I sure love tv. And TiVo rocks! I never miss The Family Guy, CSI, The Simpsons and The Office (US and BBC versions. Love 'em both!). Monk makes me laugh, which I enjoy. Seinfeld was the greatest show ever, but Arrested Development and Homicide are right up there.
To Kill a Mockingbird, Harry Potter, Stephanie Plum, The Princess Bride (Many people don't know it was a book before it was a movie!), Wigfield (thanks, Gina!) and anything by David Sedaris.
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