Hi, my name is Ross and I like:
Coffee, Cooper's pale, Delicious vegetarian food, Epicness, making up words, Road trips, Plane trips, Big cities, New places, Spontaneous good times, Ampeg SVT's, Bowel - moving distortion, Pretending I know how to DJ, Pretending I know how to paint, Pretending I still have an American accent, Dancing like an idiot, Correct spelling & Grammar, Substituting gargantuan words where more miniscule ones would have been perfectly sufficient, Intelligent music journalism, Photocopied zines, Buying CD's and records, Tea and chocolate simultaneously, Intertextuality, Existentialism, Nihilism, Dada, Nutri - Grain in vast quantities, Reading the paper on Saturday morning, and getting so bored at work that I make massive lists like this.
I don't like:
Lazy people, Trashy magazines, Television, Cover bands, Sports, Drama, Negative violence, Most of Myspace.
Oh yeah, I play in this band as well.