JAKARTA RECORDS Solidarity with the Burmese people profile picture

JAKARTA RECORDS Solidarity with the Burmese people

new 12"s by m.anifest, oddisee & looptroop out now

About Me

you got a demo that we need to listen to? send us a copy to:
jakarta records
c/o jannis
51491 overath
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jakarta 001 werle & stankowski "sound of my guitar" 12" ep
jakarta 002 bougaloo "synonym" cd album
jakarta 003 wade waters "return of the kings" cd album
jakarta 004 various artist "untity" 12" ep
jakarta 005 various artists "untiy" cd album
jakarta 006 promoe "sag was" 7" vinyl
jakarta 007 leeroy "drummies" 7" vinyl
jakarta 008 summsemann "da." cd album
jakarta 009 promoe "murder murdoch" 7" vinyl
jakarta 010 smile rays "a toast" 12" vinyl
jakarta 011 saint featuring cadence "wisdom over weapons" 7" vinyl
jakarta 012 panacea featuring dj spinna "stardom" 7" vinyl (collabo with glow in the dark)
jakarta 013 el chavo "selectah" 7" vinyl
jakarta 014 flomega "pay me right!" 7" vinyl (collabo with rda audio)
jakarta 015 oddisee feat phone "all beacuase she's gone" 12" vinyl
jakarta 016 m.anifest "babylon breakdown" 12" vinyl
jakarta 017 m.anifest "manifestations" cd coming soon!
jakarta 019 Looptroop "the building" vinyl (collabo with DvsG)
looptroop - the building (live on the streets)
jakarta 019: looptroop - the building

My Interests


Member Since: 5/9/2006
Band Website: jakartarecords.de
Influences: music.we're not runing a label in order to make money (which in fact we're not making anyway). our aim is to put out some nice good old music no matter whether it's hip hop, funk, abstract stuff, pop, or electro. we're open to everything that we like. and yeah. we're that old fashioned that we still love and release vinyl.
Sounds Like:
sounds like: summsemann, promoe, smile rays, flomega, wade waters, werle & stankoski, leeroy, the saint, panacea, el chavo, m.anifest, oddisee, johnson & jonson, ilarius, soulstice, therapy......
artwork by: sellout industries, johanna ritscher..

Record Label: thats us. distributed by groove attack.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

vinyl album/ep sales in the usa grow by 36.6 percent!!!!

http://blog.wired.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/04/28/riaa_2 007.jpg the official riaa figures. on the same report you can see though that the sales of vinyl 12" decreased by nearly 60%. thats what is...
Posted by JAKARTA RECORDS Solidarity with the Burmese people on Fri, 23 May 2008 05:12:00 PST

manifestations coming soon!

we are about to release the new a.anifest album "manifestations"so be prepared!...
Posted by JAKARTA RECORDS Solidarity with the Burmese people on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 07:28:00 PST

summsemann qunitett live in plauen

show these guys some love! http://www.myspace.com/summsemann...
Posted by JAKARTA RECORDS Solidarity with the Burmese people on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 03:28:00 PST

08.03. oddisee -all beause she s gone 12inch releaseparty! im stecken zu köln

oddisee (myspace)treks life (myspace)wann : 8.3.2008wo: köln (neue maastrichter Str. ) im steckenkostet : nüscht!!!...
Posted by JAKARTA RECORDS Solidarity with the Burmese people on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 04:13:00 PST

Koelncampus-Radio Airplay bei Whatup!

Gestern Abend durften wir ganz erfeut drei unserer 7"inch Veröffentlichungen im Kölner Campus Radio hören. hier noch der Beweis :Whatup! auf Koelncampus RadioVinyl -Airplay Baby!Vielen Dank Koelncamp...
Posted by JAKARTA RECORDS Solidarity with the Burmese people on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 05:38:00 PST

jakarta friends & family on tour

26.Feb.2008 20:00 Jakarta Friends & Family on Tour World Wide28.Feb.2008 20:00 Oddisee & Trek Live im Jazz Keller Tübingen28.Feb.2008 20:00 Leerroy + Pete Philly & Perquisite im Wagenbau Hambur...
Posted by JAKARTA RECORDS Solidarity with the Burmese people on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 06:54:00 PST

el chavo feat psyche origami (jakarta 013) - the heat // live!!!!

Posted by JAKARTA RECORDS Solidarity with the Burmese people on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 05:49:00 PST

jakarta records newsletter 003: 2007 and a happy new year!

ladies and gentleman,2007 just ended and 2008 is already there. 2007 was a nice year for jakarta records. we released nine records in 12 month. nevertheless we also experience the vanishing demand for...
Posted by JAKARTA RECORDS Solidarity with the Burmese people on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 08:04:00 PST

Jakarta Newsletter 002

Hola gente,this is Jakarta Records newsletter 002. Jannis will be travellin south east Asia once again for the next month so it was my turn, to come up with our next newsletter. Also check www.jakart...
Posted by JAKARTA RECORDS Solidarity with the Burmese people on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 08:03:00 PST

Summsemann bei Mixeryrawdeluxe

Posted by JAKARTA RECORDS Solidarity with the Burmese people on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 06:51:00 PST