Kyle Spark was born and raised in the beautiful southeast coast of Massachusetts. You may have also heard it called the armpit of the Cape, Buzzards Bay is a great place to come up in life. I started playing bass for the Old Rochester High Jazz Band and quickly fell into the groove of the bass. It's always been easy for me to feel the groove more than analyze it and that has been my asset to the music. Feel and sitting deep in the pocket of any music is what I do best and what I love. Be it funk like my work with DJ Logic, eclectic bluegrass and mountain music that I played with Blueground Undergrass, roots music and blues that I am currently playing with my good friend Neal McCarthy or just laying down good ol pop music with Rebecca Correia, I love to be the undercurrent for movement! Kyle graduated with a degree in Professional Music from the Berklee College of Music in 1997 as lived all around the country since by means of music. Spending much time in the south via Atlanta and Greenville SC, Kyle has great southern music connections and may look into Nashville as a career move in the fall. I especially think my dog Roxy is missing barking with her southern accent! As I am a constant work in progress any and all is subject to change. I'm currently working day by day on a broken ankle inflicted while motocross riding in the woods this July. Gigging will have added challenges in that I can't carry any equipment with my crutches but that wont stop me from laying down some funky lowend from a chair or stool. I hope and look forward to seeing you on the Flip Flop...Later!!