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A Survey for Pets!
What type of pet are you? a very fast miniature dachshund
What is your name? Dazie
What other nicknames do you have? Poo, Queen
What is your favorite treat? dog cookies w/ frosting
What would your owner describe you as? fast, unique, beautiful
What is the funniest thing you have done? Beat up my sister and make her cry
What is the bravest thing you have done? Race against Copper in Buda
Yes or No
Are you neutered? I'm spayed
Are you a social animal? toward animals yes...toward kids no
Are you always doing something bad when nobody is looking? there is one thing I like to eat when no one is around but it's to gross to say out loud
Are you friendly? yes
Are you overweight? definately not
Do you like warm milk? no...gross
Do you eat cheese? yes but I don't eat it often
Do you eat bugs? no
Do you live with other animals? yes my sissy
Do you like being in the house more than being outside? outside
Do you like to exercise? I can stay in shape for races
Do you like car rides? oh yeah
Do you get into stuff? not really
Do you get along with your mommy or daddy? yes...but we do bump heads every now and then
Do you like to swim? yes!!!
Do you chase laser pen dots? no
And finally, Do you love your mommy or daddy? Yes!!!! I have since she has been home more often