somebody nice.
my dog yawning...and nahna singing while she drives.
Right now, there is a whole, an entire generation that never knew anything that didn't come out of this tube. This tube is the gospel, the ultimate revelation; this tube can make or break presidents, popes, prime ministers; this tube is the most awesome goddamn propaganda force in the whole godless world. You do whatever the tube tells you: you dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube, you even think like the tube. This is mass madness, you maniacs. Bullshit is all the reasons we give for living. If we can't think up reasons of our own, we always have the God bullshit.
Johnny Got His Gun, No Logo, Animal Farm, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, A Season in Hell, The Drunken Ship, The Great Shark Hunt, Capital, The Jungle, All Quiet On The Western Front, Slaughterhouse 5, Life of PI, Franny and Zoey, 6 inches, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, A Peoples History of the United States, The Man Who Tasted Shapes, The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat, 1984, Heart of Darkness, The Boomer Bible, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Caricorn, An Air-Conditioned Nightmare, The Most Beautiful Woman In Town, Paddy's Lament, Ireland 1846-1847: Prelude to Hatred, Naked Lunch, Great Poets Die in Steaming Pots of Shit, An Evil Town, Animal Crackers in My Soup, Down and Out in Paris and London, Homage to Catalonia, Hells Angels, Under A Black Flag, Class Warfare, Hegemony or Survival, What Uncle Sam Really Wants, The Fountainhead, The Rum Diary, Jaws, The Adventures of a Young Man, 1919, A Farewell To Arms, The Sun Also Rises, For Whom The Bell Tolls, The Old Man and The Sea....
JOHN WAYNE/HAMMERHEAD SHARK ETHIC: by-Felix Dzerhinsky.................This country is so basically rotten that a vicious, bigoted pig like John Wayne is a great national hero. Thomas Jefferson would have been horrified by a monster like Wayne-and Wayne, given a shot across the time-span, would be proud to pistol-whip a "radical punk" like Jefferson. John Wayne is a final, rotten symbol of everything that went wrong with the american dream-he is our Frankenstein monster, a hero to millions. Wayne is the ultimate & pehaps final "American." He beats the mortal shit out of anything he cant understand. The brainwaves of "The Duke" are like those of the Hammerhead Shark-a beast so stupid and irrationally vicious that scientists have abandoned all hope of dealing with it, except as an unexplainable "throw-back." The Hammerhead, they say, is no differant today then it was in One Million B.C. He is a ruthless, stupidbeast with only one instinct-to attack, to hurt & cripple & kill. There is no evidence in modern science that the Hammerhead had ancestors-and no descendants, either. But science is at least half-wrong on this count. Like many another species, the Hammerhead survived by moving to a new habitat. The most advanced of them came out of the sea and learned to walk on land. They learned to speak American-despite their tiny brains-and a few of them moved to Hollywood, where they found themselves much in demand as extras & even as heroes in hundreds of "cowboy" films. The New Hammerhead was a perfect cowboy. He was vicious, stupid, ignorant of everything except his own fears and appetites. He beat the mortal shit out of any thing that made him uneasy, for any reason at all. The Hammerhead was a perfect warrior. He defended the flag. Any flag. He learned to understand words like "orders" and "patriotism," but the secret of his success was an ancient taste for blood. He thrived on action. But he was brainless; he had to be aimed. The Hammerhead was the one you hired when you wanted to kill Indians. He was also available to whip "Niggers." and then to hang Wobblies. He was given a badge and a club, and by 1960-or maybe even 1860-the Hammerhead Ethic was the American Dream. The press created a whole pantheon of of Hammerhead Heroes: J. Edgar Hoover, John Dillinger, Lyndon Johnson, Audie Murphy, George Patton, Chuck Norris, Ira Hayes, Texas....but the king-bitch stud of them all was "The Duke," John Wayne, a cowboy movie actor whose only real talent was an almost preternatural genius for brainless violence. The Duke wasn't satisfied with just killing people ; he beat them into bloody, screaming hamburger. Which made him Number One at the box office-the ultimate Hammerhead, a total American Hero. Thomas Jefferson was a useless artifact at this point, and even Horatio Alger was little less then a convenient myth. By 1960 John Wayne was more American then the Studebaker or the Hot Dog; he had the whole dream in his fists. The filthy truth is that 50 years from now our grandchildren will be herded, by law, into stylish jail/bunkers that will still, even then, be called schools....and they we be forced to buy millions of expensively bound "history books," which they will study under the watchful eyes of a new generation of enforcers who will still, even then, be called "teachers"....and they will learn from there texts and their teachers will tell them that men like Richard Millhouse Nixon and Lyndon Baines Johnson and George Walker Bush and Dick Chaney were "American Statesmen." That is the horror of it: That in 2050 the standard/text high school history books will not say that America was effectively ruled, and gutted by a gang of cheap thugs who also happened, for reasons of political necessity, to be Mass Murderers. The history books will not say that Lyndon Johnson was more vicious then Mussolini and more stupid then Hitler. They will not say that George W. Bush's hands were so bloody that after five years he forgot what blood smelled like....and that the ranking generals with "Honored West Point names" like Taylor & Westmoreland & Abrams were still screaming, all the way to the end, for more blood and guts and bombing and fire. These dirty truths Will not appear in the history texts of 2050. The hired fixers will take over just as soon as this undeclared war is unofficially finished-just as soon as the last shark is called off and brought home for an angry rest. And not one of these blood-hungry Hammerhead scumbags will ever be nailed to the final whipsaw judgment they all deserve. Not because what they did. But because they did it in the name of a Dream & a Human Possibility that was fragile from the start, but strong enough to survive almost every abuse and cruel failure that human beings were capable of..... except the Hammerhead Ethic, and the beasts who rode it to power. These were the swine who found their model in a brutal freak like John Wayne. If it wont salute, stomp it. Brake it. Destroy the goddamn queer dirty thing. Rip its lungs out and then nail that coonskin to the wall, like LBJ said. If their is any real justice in this world or the universe, God has already dug a special hole in Hell for "Dubya" and his crooked army of vampires. Down there with "The Duke". In a pit full of rancid blood & fang leeches, which the bastards will never escape from. But there is not much evidence in history of either God or Justice. The best we can hope for is Truth. Not often, and a pretty thin gruel even then. The Hammerheads get all the meat.