---------------FRENCH VERSION---------------
Scandalous, né Langston W. Hunter, débute dans la musique à l'âge de dix ans. Il écrit plus de 500 chansons de tous genres et produit plus de 400 titres. Ses influences musicales sont largement étendues de Phil Collins, 2Pac, Lil' Flip, Cyndi Lauper, Amy Grant, Jaheim et beaucoup autres.
Pour Scandalous, ce fut une longue route malgré son jeune âge. En 1997, il enregistre son premier titre avec un groupe the Rhymester MOB sous le label Scud Death Threat Records Il prend à cette époque le pseudonyme de Prymetyme 3 et sessaye à un album " The Way It Should Sound ". En 1998, il en extrait quelques titres pour un nouvel album solo, " It's Still All Good ". (Son premier album solo étant " Respect Others, Respect Yourself ". A cause de la difficulté à rassembler the Rhymester MOB, il crée en 1999, son propre label « Scud Death Threat Records » S.M.T.O. Entertainment avec ses propres artistes.
En 2001, Prymetyme 3 rejoint Playboy - T quil avait rencontré au collège où celui-ci était artiste/président de Divine City Records. Prymetyme 3 devient Scandalous (the Scoundrel) . En 2002, Playboy - T quitte Divine City Records. Ils créent ensemble leur propre compagnie, Unfadeable Records.
Après avoir écrit et produit les chorus pour l'album entier de Playboy - T, "The Playboy Mansion", ils prirent des chemins différents en 2005. Playboy - T reste à Unfadeable Records et Scandalous crée son propre label, Breath of Heaven Management - International. Après leur séparation, Scandalous écrit des musiques de spots publicitaires pour différentes compagnies de publicité et plus de 40 chansons pour Raynard Miner (lauteur célèbre de Rescue Me, (Your Love) Is Lifting Me Higher), Stevie Wonder, et Fabrice Sioul (coach vocal, pour lémission de télévision française Star Academy). Il rejoint aussi le groupe de rap, Three The Hard Way (a/k/a Lost Boundaries) et enregistre plusieurs titres avec eux dont Keep It Rockin' and We Got Em. Les membres du groupe sont Iceberg, Future et Scandalous, chacun représentant un morceau du puzzle de la société américaine dans sa diversité et alliant leurs différents styles créent une mixture unique.
Scandalous est connu dans certaines parties des États-Unis, Canada, au Japon, en France et en Belgique pour ses courants créatifs et son freestyling. Cest un artiste hip-hop original qui a du mal à supporter la comparaison. Il combine le hip-hop branché et sattaque à dautres genres, y compris la pop, R&B, reggae, la country, le bluegrass, le gospel et même le classique. Il combine plusieurs influences culturelles à sa propre musique, en incluant français, espagnol, jamaïcain, arabic, asiatique et indien! Il aborde tous les types de sujets, variant de l'atmosphère de club contre le racisme et la violence, à la dance contre les problèmes liés aux relations humaines. Du début à la fin, , Scandalous maintient votre intérêt sous pression Anniversary 2007, le premier single de l'album, " Another Day In Paradise ", est déjà un hit dans les clubs. Les autres titres sont déjà prometteurs.
---------------ENGLISH VERSION---------------
Scandalous (the Scoundrel), born as Langston W. Hunter, has been involved in music since the age of ten. Hes written over 500 songs of all kinds of genres and has produced over 400 tracks. His musical influences are widely expanded with artists such as Phil Collins, 2Pac, Lil Flip, Cyndi Lauper, Amy Grant, Jaheim and many others.
It certainly has been a long trip for Scandalous. In 1997, he recorded his first track with a group called the Rhymester MOB under the label Scud Death Threat Records. At the time, his alias was Prymetyme 3, the group worked on their first effort, The Way It Should Sound. In 1998, he took some of the tracks from that album and added his own for his second solo album, Its Still All Good. (His first solo album was called Respect Others, Respect Yourself) Because of the difficulty of getting the Rhymester MOB together, he formed his own label under Scud Death Threat Records called S.M.T.O. Entertainment with several of his own artists in 1999. A few months after S.M.T.O. Entertainment was formed the label Scud Death Threat Records went under.
In 2001, Prymetyme 3 bumped into Playboy - T in college, where Playboy - T was an artist/president of Divine City Records. Prymetyme 3 changed his name to Scandalous (the Scoundrel) and in 2002, Playboy - T separated from Divine City Records and they started their own company, Unfadeable Records.
After producing and writing the choruses for Playboy - Ts entire album, The Playboy Mansion, the two went their separate ways in late 2005. Playboy - T now runs Unfadeable Records and Scandalous started his own label, Breath of Heaven Management - International. After the breakup, Scandalous began writing commercials for different advertising companies, producing for many different artists (some major, some independent) and has written over 40 songs for Raynard Miner (famous songwriter credited for Rescue Me, (Your Love) Is Lifting Me Higher, and more), Stevie Wonder, and Fabrice Sioul (vocal coach, producer for the French television show Star Academy). He also joined the rap group, Three the Hard Way (a/k/a Lost Boundaries) and has recorded several tracks with them, including Keep It Rockin and We Got Em. The group members consist of Iceberg, Future and Scandalous. This group is unique because each member comes from different backgrounds, creating a mixture of different styles into one.
Scandalous is known around parts of the United States, Canada, Turkey, Japan, France and Belgium for his creative flows and even freestyling a few tracks on his albums. He is one of the rarest hip-hop artists today who can not be compared to another. He combines hip-hop and rap with other genres, including pop, R&B, reggae, country, bluegrass, gospel and even classical. He evens combines other cultural music styles into his, including French, Spanish, Jamaican, Arabic, Asian and Indian! If that isnt enough, Scandalous touches on all types of topics in his flows, ranging from the club atmosphere to racism and violence, from dancing to relationship issues. From the beginning of the CD to the end, Scandalous keeps you interested. Anniversary 2007, the first single from his album, "The Perfect Gentleman", is a hit in the clubs and the rest of his album will soon follow.
" Another Day In Paradise " features artists Matt Houston (On The Track Ent./Barclay/Universal France), Eloquence (Romanzo Criminale Records), Sonja G. Whitmore & The High Praise Chorale Ensemble (Diamond Productions), Frankie Keane, Catherine Ferry (Warner France), Cyndi Lauper (Sony Music/Columbia), Playboy-T (Unfadeable Records) and more, plus features production by Scandalous himself, Matteo "Matt Houston" Gore (On The Track/Barclay/Universal France) and Deck (On The Track/Barclay/Universal France).
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