ADAM WEST [because all the other batmen have all been gay]
GIALO....damn i love italian horror.i love all horror really but gialo most of all.
oh how i love the squark box....squark box brings me cartoons and other neat things.i am a unashamed "neighbours" has been my lifelong dream to appear on neighbours even as an extra...its kinda sad i know,please don't laugh i was once like you
Hunter S Thomson [may he rest in peace],Micheal Marshal Smith who wrote a book called "only forward" if you ever get a chance to read it do so,man that book kicked ass.Terry Pratchett,Douglas Adams,William Borroughs,Timothy Leary....and so on.
Hunter S Thomson,Joe Strummer,Timothy Leary,Jhonny Cash,Dario Argento....damn it,nearly all my heroes are dead