Brian profile picture


Jesus Crust! Thats some good pizza

About Me

Im a mystery shrouded in an enigma wrapped in a corn husk

My Interests

I like to skim, skate, drum, climb, kite, lift, film, coach, vomit, sneeze, and eat all at the same time. I also like that laundry fresh smell...ooooh mama thats good stuff.

I'd like to meet:

Andy Gordon, the badass that cut the sickest video you'll see today




Lost in Translation, Hook, American Beauty, and Ferris Bueller's day off have changed my life.


as of lately, Smallville, Battlestar Galactica, Mad men, Lost, Heroes, Terminator: the Sarah Conner Chronicles


"The Tao of Pooh", "Cannery Row", "the Da Vinci Code" were the last few


its spelled G-Y-R-O-S. i would sure like a beef and lamb "hero"

My Blog

Weird Hong Kong things - entry 1

So last time i was in Hong kong, i talked about my experiences. that got old fast and i got pretty lazy. this time, im a little more settled in, and just finding new ways to be entertained here. so...
Posted by Brian on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 08:04:00 PST

Brians Babysitting Extravaganza!!!

Megan and Jacob trusted me enough to take care of their kids for the day. i had a whole day of fun planned for the kids. and this is how it went!10:30am: it was time for my favorite childhood game: ...
Posted by Brian on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 09:14:00 PST

Brian's Hong Kong Blah, blah, Blog (day 6)

local time 8:05am MondayIm going home!!! woooo! well its been cool, but i wanna go home and just be at home. somewhere between my arrival and me unpacking here, i lst my phone. so im gonna need ever...
Posted by Brian on Mon, 28 May 2007 05:10:00 PST

Brian's Hong Kong Blah, blah, Blog (day 5)

local time: 10:56 am sundaystill fucking hot. my dad forgot to tell me before we left, that hong kong is loacated on the surface of the sun. we went to Gnong Ping and Disneyland yesterday. gnong pi...
Posted by Brian on Sun, 27 May 2007 08:13:00 PST

Brian's Hong Kong Blah, blah, Blog (day 4)

local time saturday 8:54am.hmm yesterday did a whole lotta nothing. went around to my dads old middleschol and highschool. so apparently he wants to get a hong kong id so that he can pass between HK...
Posted by Brian on Sat, 26 May 2007 06:01:00 PST

Brian's Hong Kong Blah, blah, Blog (day 3)

i ate snake yesterday. now dont get me wrong, its not what you think. its not like you can go to mickey D's in hong kong and ask for a Mc Snake. we went over to china, and went to this wel known chi...
Posted by Brian on Fri, 25 May 2007 05:16:00 PST

Brian's Hong Kong Blah, blah, Blog (day 2)

9:16am HK time. just woke up from partying...with my dad and step sis/soon-to-be step sis. weird, ive never held a conversation past criticizing my hygiene or grades with my dad in the 23 years on thi...
Posted by Brian on Thu, 24 May 2007 06:17:00 PST

Brians Hong Kong Blah, blah, Blog

day one:its frickin hot. not only hot. humid too. i feel like im inhaling soup, but not the delicious kind. the smoggy chinese kind. i got 2 nice ass shirts and two sweet silk ties for under 100 ...
Posted by Brian on Wed, 23 May 2007 12:37:00 PST

Brian and Khandra's Valentines Day Extravaganza!!!

Valentines day came up and i thought i would introduce my valentine to a meal experience fit for royalty, Mc Bergendy's. Khandra came knocking at my doorand then i greeted her with a batch of fresh ...
Posted by Brian on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 01:02:00 PST

Sausage Fest 2005

pics from our recording of our original song that we created ourselves and didn't get from anywhere, "vertigo" for sausage fest 2005. and now video! me on the drums, slickrick on the guitar, ...
Posted by Brian on Tue, 06 Sep 2005 12:58:00 PST