Chemistry lesson: You know what's greatly soluble in alcohol? Misery. Nothing like a good wine to wash away the sad.Also I am 22 (update: 25) and I hope to fight in the UFC or a local MMA org *some day*. My hero is Tyson, Quinton jackson, and anyone who can gracefully beat ken shamrock up (tito). Just gotta wait for UFC to open a 145lb weight division, then ima attempt my dream. Either that, or I bulk up to 150lb (edit: I am 158. Next goal, 165lbs update 8/10/08: I am 165 gulp I think I should stop...), or stuff rocks down my pockets when I weigh in. I hope you're reading this Sean Sherk. I'm comin for ya!
Anyway, about me I used to be a nerd, but I wrestled in high school which made a big difference in my life. Taught me life should have ambitions and dreams, and not just settling with just being a nerd with an education, job or a family. I had a crappy HS coach and wr career, but I never gave up. When I look back in life, I'm glad I went through all those dark times in wrestling or in high school in general. I still wrestle when I can, since work and school is/was tiring, and I have a bad habit of dreaming things were different in HS, just like in Nap Dynamite how that uncle kept wishing he could go back. I'm pretty happy now in life. Found a relaxing and well paying job, and a good gym with great instructors and perhaps I can still capture my old high school goals. If it weren't for wrestling, I would have been hopelessly aiming for my Phd now. Can you believe how lucky I am? Imagine how things could have been. Would have gotten a mere 45,000$ salary but only after 8 years minimum of education and expensive tuition??? I bet somewhere in an alternate reality, where I never wrestled, I'm studying hard right now, being a slave to some smarter nerd, walking around with my goofy ungroomed hair and big glasses and unbuttoned shirt, and praying my proposal convinces the NIH to give my lab grant money, and to pay off my grad school debt. Craaazyy. I know someone's friend who has 100,000$ in debt, and hasn't gotten her phd yet. What an A-hole
I also type 140 wpm, although you probably figured that out by the length of my profile...
I take my life and youth seriously, and since I don't believe in afterlife (unless you consider afterlife being high energy molecules off my rotting corpse catabolizing and feeding a bunch of worms and fungus), my biggest fear in life is dying without ever leaving my mark on Earth. I like to help people, but I'm not afraid to shove back when shoved at. *Heelloooooo~*Suplexes for all from Gordio
whoever drew this deserves a nobel prize