Mighty Thores comienza su andadura a finales de 2005, cuando Ernie y Sweet Nina regresan de una estancia en Escocia y se reencuentran con Vitorino (compañero musical de Ernie en otros muchos proyectos anteriores). Juntos dan forma al grupo, que comienza los ensayos esas navidades incorporando a Stevie como segundo guitarrista. Juntos componen sus primeros temas hasta que poco antes de empezar 2006 Animal se incorpora a la baterÃa. Con esta formación debutan y comienzan a dar conciertos por todo Madrid, incluyendo su primera participación en un concurso, el de la mÃtica sala Gruta 77, durante la cual se produce un cambio en la baterÃa, incorporándose Flyer, ex baterÃa de Bone Head, para concluir la participación en unos meritorios cuatros de final. Continuan con sus actuaciones hasta verano de 2007, cuando se produce un alto en el camino para la grabación de su primer disco, grabado y producido en el estudio Cactusound de Madrid, grabación que esas mismas navidades entró en la fase de masterización final.
Mighty Thores were born at the end of 2005, when Ernie and Sweet Nina came back from a stay in Scotland, and they met up with Vitorino again (an old Ernie's comrade-in-arms). They all shaped up the group, and they began to rehearse during those christmas, incorporating Steve as a second guitarist. The four of them started composing their first songs, and shortly before 2005 ends, Animal started to play drums with them. These five made their début and they began to perform all around Madrid city, including their first contest participation, in the famous Gruta 77 R'n'R contest. During this contest, a change took place, and Flyer, previous Bone Head member, became the new drummer. They commendable ended their participation in quarter finals. They continued performing until summer of 2007: then they stopped to record their first album, recorded and produced by themselves at Cactusound studio, Madrid. At the end of 2007, they started mastering the record.