Drums, Music, Movies
Chris Sharrock!!! *gees, what a great man!!!!*
Ronnie O'Sullivan *yeah* Also a great man!!!
Mike Portnoy =)
Rock, Punk, Ska, Progressive Rock
Lots! =)
Last movies I saw were:
Keinohrhasen (+++)
Das Vermächtnis des geheimen Buches (--)
I am legend (+)
The Simpsons - The Movie (+)
Ocean's 13 (+)
Stirb Langsam 4.0 (++)
Pirates of the Carribbean 3 (+)
Black Book (++)
Mitten ins Herz - Ein Song für dich (++)
Hannibal Rising (++)
Dreamgirls (--)
One Way (++)
Das Streben nach Glück (++)
Scoop (+)
Rache ist sexy (+)
Deutschland - Ein Sommermärchen (+++)
The Devil wears Prada (+)
Klick (+)
The Ring Thing (+)
Das Parfüm (++)
Slither (--)
Pirates of the Carribbean 2 (++)
Poseidon (-)
Over the Hedge/Ab durch die Hecke (++)
Date Movie (-)
Silent Hill (+)
Tristan und Isolde (+)
Hostel (-)
Inside Man (++)
Saw 2 (+)
Scary Movie 4 (-)
16 Blocks (+)
Ice Age 2 (++)
Final Destination 3 (+)
(+)= Liked it
(-)= Did not like it
Simpsons, SNOOKER!!!!, Lost, Sex and the City, Grey's Anatomy
What I'm reading right now is:
"Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod"
This is the ONE guy I really really want to meet right now:
Chris Sharrock (when he was a little younger, I admit, but still lovely!=) ).
Watch this Video with Chris Sharrock playing drums *ohhh*