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dancing,working out ,listening to music,or hittin the club and hangin' out with my friends
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PimpMySpace PhatPimpClothing.com
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people that are down to earth, people that will be your friend and talk to you whether you have a million dollars or barely the shirt on your back.life is the one of the shortest things we have.I would like to live it to the fullest possible and hopefully pick up some cool friends along the way to share it with,so if you're down for some kick ass friendship holla at me,hit me up,send me a shout,or however you want to do it Bootiful Image Pimped@MySpace
I like r&b,rock,country,rap,Bachata,playero,and Reggaeton PhatPimpClothing.com
Scarface,all the Godfathers,Steven Segall movies,Man on Fire, all Al Pacino movies, basically any good action,suspense thriller,drama, or love story Pimp MySpace PhatPimpClothing.com PimpMySpace PhatPimpClothing.com
Csi is my favorite but I also like the shield,las vegas,threat matrix,alias,hack and jake2.0
I don't really have alot of time to read books but the magazines I like are stuff,popular science and blender Pimp My Profile Pimped by PhatPimpClothing.com PimpMySpace
first and foremost God is my hero because I don't think he gets enough recognition these days second are my parents for bringing me in this world and letting me experience all of the things that make living life great PimpMySpace PhatPimpClothing.com PhatPimpClothing.com PimpMySpace PhatPimpClothing.com