I am a costume major, and love to sew. Fashion design and creation are my idea of wearable art. Beauty that is functional and expressive... whoot!
Christopher Walkin.... He is so sexy, ya know in that creepy kind of way. Ummmmm Alanis Morsset, I have worshipped her since I was a kid. And last but not least Stephen King he is an amazing author.
Anything and everything. Though a good portion of my music taste is prehistoric- David Bowie, Depeche Mode, The Cure, Blondie, The Pixies, The misfits ect.. Though some more modern bands are quite interesting KMFDM, Dimmu Borgir, Cherry Monroe, Mindless self indulgence, The Murder Dolls, Apoptygma Berzerk, Hollywood Undead and more as I think of them
Stange Land. Captain Howdy you kick ass!
Kingdom Hospital, written by Stephen King, Prison BreakMETALOCALYPSE!!! .. width="425" height="350" ..
Any thing Stephen King, Dark Tower kicks ass. Neil Gaimen, Sandman are my favourite graphic novels. I got him to sign my alice cooper collection of shorts
Anyone who can avoid my short temper, especially David my darling boyfriend! I love him so much! And Nakkia, the greatest Photographer ever!