Blogging - Been blogging .. for a few years now and i love it, being able to write and share what's going on in my life has helped me with so many things and made me lots of great new friends. - Jan's Place!
Photography - I've always loved taking pictures but this last few years i've developed an interest in nature photography, if it's outdoors and created naturally then i'll take photo's of it...particularly the sky!- Photography
Genealogy - Tracing my family tree became a passion of mine in 2003 when i finally met a distant relative of mine who lives in Australia. - Genealogy
Poetry - I've done a bit of writing in the past but nothing to really write home about, then i got my first dialect poem published .. and it all took off from there. - Penmanship
My first atempt at bare with me! - Penmanship
Web design - Just love creating new pages/sites. I enjoy the building, creating the layout, adding the content, choosing the colour scheme and i always end up learning sommat new.
Tapestry - Cross stitch, mainly native american or animal designs, don't have time for this hobby much now though.
All my ancestors! would make tracing my family tree so much
Jan's Links
Jan's Place!...this is where you'll find me now, stop on by and say hi!
Love all sorts of depends on the mood i'm in as to what i feel like listening to!
Darren Hayes, Savage Garden, Brian Adams, Ronan Keeting, Bon Jovi, Texas, Mel C, Cher, Simply Red and many more.
Any thing with Mel Gibson...What can i say, i'm a Mel fan!
Just loved the kids film Shrek
Patrick Swazey in Ghost and Dirty Dancing
Not a big telly watcher.
But i do like CSI, Charmed, Law & Order, Sex in the City
No time for reading.
Unless it's on someone's journal of
My mum and my grandma.
They both had shit lives because of men but they made it through so there's hope i will too.