Slap the Monkey
See how fast you can slap the monkey...
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See how fast you can slap the monkey...
Spanking Stuff, particularly Monkeys. Yep, these little simian dudes just love a spanking and I, The Monkey Spanking Dude, am at the top of tree when it comes to paddling the little critters.Of course, living in Sydneys Inner West provides limited opportunities for Monkey Spanking, so I have to spank a variety of other objects to stay at the top of my game. I'm fond of spanking my drums and people fondly watch on as said drums receive their spanking.
Happy, funky, friendly people who love music, movies, sport and have a considered opinion on anything!!
The pioneers of Monkey Spanking:-Clint Eastwood (OK, strictly speaking, an Orang Utang - but it's still an ape, OK?)Ronald Raegan (In an early indicator of his Alzheimers condition, he bathed rather than spanked monkeys, but he pointed the way for many)Steve Irwin (this guy was so f*@ked up he spanked everything BUT monkeys! Spanking a sting ray was particularly stupid)