myspace layoutsWell as you can see i am a woman, lol. I think i have a bubbly personality, i love to have fun...but not enough to get my ass in trouble. Been there done that and it isn't fun. I love chilling with friends or even if it is just my daughter and her friends. Teenagers are amazing, but know too much. If you know what i mean. But, if things get out of hand i'm out of there. Another thing is you know that old saying " You cannot judge a book by its cover " that is very true, until you arae giving the chance to know the real person inside and out. I also like quiet time too, time to think and just be aone to gather my thoughts and ambitions in life. If you want to know more feel free to ask, Thanks."ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME" I AM ONE OF HIS CHILDREN TOO AND HE LOVES ME EQUAL, RATHER I HAVE DONE BAD THINGS IN MY PAST OR NOT. NO BODY ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH IS PERFECT. WE ALL MADE OUR MISTAKES AND WE HAVE TO ANSWER FOR THEM WHEN WE MEET OUR MAKER. BUT, HE IS A FORGIVING LORD, IF ONLY PEOPLE WOULD DO THE SAME, THE WORLD WOULD BE A BETTER PLACE, AND I AM NOT ASHAMED TO ADMIT THAT I BELIEVE IN GOD THE MOST HIGH. HE IS THE HIGHER POWER.
How to make a Sheila
3 parts friendliness
1 part brilliance
1 part instinct
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add lovability to taste! Do not overindulge!
Personality cocktail
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