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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi(^_^). I have the other blogs in Japanese SNS but several friends of mine told me myspace so that now I am trying to make my own page here. I was born in Osaka and grew up in Tokyo. My high school hangouts were Shibuya, Harajuku, Jiyugaoka, and Futako-tamagawaen... I went to college in VA and I have been in the US almost 7 years I think. I like funny, cute, pop, and pretty stuff...But people call me "koha," which means pretty much "hard-boiled" and in a way "very traditional," and...I play drums. It's crappy though.

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My Interests

Elephant Kashimashi!!

I'd like to meet:

Kenichi Matsuyama-kun and Miyamoto-san from Elephant Kashimashi. I would die if I could see them in person


Elephant Kashimashi, SpitzSpitz Sora Mo Toberuhazu
..The Ramones, Hanoi Rocks, NY Dolls, Pistols, The Damned, Smith, Cure, The Stone Roses, ELO, The Jam, Police, Pixies, Chelsea(!!), Silverhead, Toy Dolls, Modey Lemon(!!!), and...all classic rock includes Zep, Stones, Aerosmith, Kiss, Jeff Lynn, Todd R., Paul Weller, Joni Mitchell, CSN&Y, The Birds, Lovin' Spoonful, Carpenters, Beach Boys(Pet Sounds!), Phil Ramone, The Crash(early days), Stevie Wonder, Jackson 5, oh and Motowns, Isley Bros. Curtis Mayfield, Burt B, Jane Birkin, Vanessa Paradis's album made by Lenny kravitz, songs made by Gibb Brothers(don't laugh...LOL somehow I like those), The Monkees(you guys changed my life), Beatles, (I am Paul girl, than John - but I like George the best!)Old Van Halen, AC/DC, all the 80's except "Against All Odds" by Phil Collins...don't ask me why.. I really don't like that song...


I like simple movies since I am so complicated person and I don't wanna see the mess. I am trying to see the nice part of life and want to be in that environment...again, since my situation is always very tough. Well, compare to street children in Kenya, I can't say mine is tough, but still. I think people who are into complicated movies are basically well-loved and happy people on daily basis. Meaning they have space to accept those. If you were really in caos, you don't wanna think about it anymore. In daily life, you can see many complicated stuff - inside of society - how should I watch that thing, and I have to pay for that, you know?


actually i don't watch so much but i like Seinfeld oh and I am huge fan of Conan O.


Mishima Yukio, Miyabe Miyuki, Ikenami Shotaro, Murakami Haruki, Natsume Souseki("yume-juya" is my favorite), Ekuni Kaori, Junichiro Tanizaki, Shugoro Yamamoto, Mizuki Shigeru(Yokai mono) they are all Japanese, sorry! ohh I like Oscar Wilde. Francoise Sagan, Russian LTR is fun too.


The prince in the book from "Happy Prince" by Oscar Wilde + French Actress Sophie Marceau*

My Blog

wow its been a loooong time since...

hihi everyone...I'm so amazed myself since I have not been here since September!!! Wow...I was too busy to update here...sorry for that diary-san. Anyways...I am trying to change my job now. It's...
Posted by shiho on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 12:57:00 PST


??????????????????????··· ??? ???Mixi?????w   I watched "Yume-juya," the movie based on Soseki Natsume's old novel and "Aoki-Ookami." Both are good; Yume-juya has 10 stories directed by different...
Posted by shiho on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 02:16:00 PST

?????!Japanese font!

?????--????--!???! Heey I did not know that I can write in Japanese here!! Yipeeeeee its soooo boring only if I can write in English cuz I am not native know what i mean... ?????????????...
Posted by shiho on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 04:48:00 PST

notification for my friends

Dear Kazuko-chan: You have to call me and fill me in!!!!!!  OK, who is it and when and how?? I need to know more dettails~~~   Dear Jacob: I lost your email address. Please let me know....
Posted by shiho on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 06:38:00 PST

can u recognized...   It is pretty tough!!   Enjoy.
Posted by shiho on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 04:51:00 PST

my friends

Matt said that he's gonna move to LA last week(I believe). (Are you in LA now, Matt??) And now, the one and only, my best female friend in SF told me that she has to go back to Japan n...
Posted by shiho on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 06:25:00 PST

Japanese guys in "Heroes"

NBC's "Heroes".... I happened to watch that drama last night and I was SOOO confused because two Japanese guys(supporsedly) speaking in Japanese did not make any sense at all. The guy wears grasses(Do...
Posted by shiho on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 02:05:00 PST

ballet school?

OK, seriously. I am looking for ballet dance class here in SF. One of my girlfriends taking the other classes in downtown school so maybe that is one of my choices.  Isn't there any more?? hmm. T...
Posted by shiho on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 04:53:00 PST

Since my friend was depressed a bit...

I sang and recorded into my friend's cell phone VM....   Actually I sang 2 songs(oops) LOL   And the result was??   My friend laughed A LOT!!! YAY! I made my friend laugh!! ya...
Posted by shiho on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 10:37:00 PST


I always consider that I am SO easily get influenced by something... Japanese TV drama, "Purimadam," inspired me a lot recently.... It was like "Shall we dance?" ladies version! So....   I think ...
Posted by shiho on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 03:14:00 PST