My interest include coloring, bunnies, speaking Spanish and I can also speak squirrel!!
Really nice people! No monsters please!! I like everyone so I wanna meet everyone!!
I like all kinds of music! I go to play drums once when we played our song "Love makes the world go 'round" I really like to dance to happy music :)
I like movies about fluffy Kitties and Bunnies! I also like our movie it was so much fun to make!!!
well of corse I watch our show all the time to see if theres anything I can do better! but I also like Animal Planet! Cartoon Cartoon Fridays Rock!!!
I'm in alot of books you can find them at you nearest library!
My sisters are my heros! Blossom is my hero because shes so smart and comes up with all these strategies and stuff! Buttercup is my hero because shes so strong and tuff!