pooping, stabbing, saving the guilty, raising the finest dogs on the southside, shooting crackwhores with a bb gun, breaking things, drinking all the vodka before tony gets home, crucifying dinner.
people who like to laugh at the misfortunes of others
brotha lynch hung, the misfits, blowfly, mindless self indulgence, dungeon family, spiders, too short, wu tang especially odb, goatwhore, quombaa zoo, black market, dwarves, n.w.a, johnny cash, skip james, robert johnson, the nekromantics
blood, shogun assassin, anything with gordon liu, cannibal the musical, stinkfinger science, big trouble in little china, dawn of the dead, and that tape of me and your mom
filth, the bible, everything is under control
judy kreitner and captain purry paws