My general interests include: Anime (almost all of it), a diverse range of good movies (Blade Runner and Citizen Kane for example), a diverse range of bad movies (Blood Rayne and Mazes and Monsters for example), Dungeons and Dragons and a select few other role-playing games (What? Wanna fight about it?! Roll initiative punk!) graphic novels, fantasy novels, sci-fi novels, horror novels, mystery novels (with a sci-fi horror twist), drawing stuff (for fun but not necessarily profit), politics (of the far left wing variety), history (of the wonky October-on-the-History-Channel variety), meat (of the cooked variety), space (yes all of it), robots (the human-killing kind excluded), ninjas (but only if I get my own clan), samurai (the good kind with the bad dubbing), cowboys (the good kind with the bad dubbing), pirates (both “butt†and “of the Caribbeanâ€), queer sex, perfectly normal sex (with guys), collecting little plastic things (it doesn’t matter what as long as they’re colorful), drinking, hangover cures, soap (always an important one), saying really mean things to dumb people (hell, most people if I can get away with it), long walks to the fridge, short walks on the beach (looking for the fridge), hanging out with my pals (or whoever else is buying the drinks), wondering if anyone will ever actually read down this far, and a shitload of other things that I can’t remember right now… most of them kind of geeky as well.
Bill Shatner... that's it.... screw other people. *** love it RANT REJECTED
Hehe, here's a movie for ya.
Here is a way to contact his High Magnificence and his friends forum... http://pezz.8...
My Hero? ...This Guy.