Heres are some thumbs of some work that I've done for my friends and their cars. Let me know if you want anything like this for your vehicle. I'm more partial towards high end cars or rare models. Just send me a message if your interested with the make and model as well as any ideas that you may have for backgrounds. You can also shoot me over an email at [email protected]
These are movements, causes, ideas, groups, campaigns that i belong to and have actively pursued. I suggest everyone check them out and gather information on what they stand for. Educate yourself. These are all great groups of people who like myself, stand up for freedom, privacy and the continued practice of following the great document that is the Constitution of the United States of America.
Thank you.
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The Resistance Manifesto
by John Conner
There can no longer be any doubt. America is transforming into a police state. Local and state governments, megaglobal corporations and even communist dictatorships are being merged globally into a colossal world government.
This world government is hell-bent on consolidating the resources of individuals, governments, sole-proprietorships, churches, charities, political parties, and armies under its unaccountable, unelected quasi-governmental bureaucracies, like the WTO, IMF, World Bank, Central Banks,i.e. US Regional Governorship (Federal Reserve).
As individual as well as institutional resistance mounts to this modern megalomaniacal takeover, the control-freak psychotics of the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group are using all of their considerable influence to create a perceived enemy threat to the expanding paramilitary forces bristling at every layer of government.
The new enemy, the new threat is, in reality, the lone individual simply trying to live his or her life who wishes to control their own destiny. Make no mistake, you are slated for dehumanization.
To you I ask the question: If we have gone along quietly with all of the overt despotic outrages, like land grabbing, gun grabbing, the attacks on national sovereignty, deindustrialization, out-of-control regulation and an endless list of other horrors without becoming violent, what is it that the establishment has planned, using its occupational government, that is so bad that its social engineers know that we will revolt in mass?
The preparations for mass oppression have been underway for decades. Remember this, we are 280 million Americans. We outnumber the dehumanizers and their power-mad minions conservatively 500 to 1.
Be aggressive, be bold, spread the word from coast to coast, never turn in your guns, mobilize, use our most powerful weapon -- the truth about the wickedness of world government, the enemy's own publications, to discredit them with their own words.
Never surrender.
Alex Jones 12/05/00