About Me
This is going to air only 3 mondays starting July 14th, July 21st and July 28th right here on NBC.com the first HEROES WEBSERIES starring yours truly.... ;) go to the NBC website and click on HEROES and the New Video Trailer should pop up!, Here's what you can to to pump it up. it's Quick, Easy and you DON'T have to create an account. 1. View trailer then rate it "5 STARS" of course.... 2. Comment on how AMAZING and GREAT it is yatta yatta yatta... 3. Tell everyone and your grandma... 4. Put it on your Calendars to view all 3 episodes starting next Monday hey, maybe you'll be seeing me on the TV Show if it gets popular enough. Thank you my friends for all your time and support! Love, Truth & Growth! Kiko "Life is Life. There is no life more valuable, precious or beautiful than another. Cherish & respect ALL forms of it."