writing music, currently shopping record deal/mostly
I enjoy, outdoors, and pretty much everything not found on the list of normal and boring,
"All dull and non creative/passionate, need not reply....lol
I enjoy and use My space for friends and to meet new ones. Its cool listening 2 friends speak candidly on things. I appreciate friends takin time to interract and
not just adding but the chance to get to know each other better. Made sum great new friends here. "In the smile of everyfriend I am renewed. "
Jesus, Michealangelo, Shakespeare, any of the Prophets from the old and new Testament,all unsong and forgotten heroes, Bob Dylan, Bob Mitchum,Johnny Depp, Oprah, Jean Reno, Paul Newman, Michael Mann, Ridley and Tony Scott, This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ FriendSpaceCode {UserURL: ...
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