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Frank McGregor

I AM STRIPPED OF ALL BUT PRIDE, Off the beaten path I reign ... Rover, Wanderer, Nomad, Vagabond, Ca

About Me

In 1603, King James VI of England passed legislation that made my family's name ILLEGAL. The names of Clan Gregor were erased from existence. To even claim one of these names openly was to invite an immediate execution. The clanfolk of the Gregorach were ordered to take different names, usually assigned. They were to obey implicitly the new Chief placed over them. It should be noted here that many of the Gregors refused. Of those who refused (and were caught); the men were executed, the women were stripped bare, branded, and whipped through the streets. The women and children were sold into slavery for Britain's new colonies in North America.
Further additions to the proscriptive acts denied the Gregors basic necessities of food, water, shelter, and care for infants and the elderly. The Gregors were denied the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, marriage, and last rites. The gentry of Scotland were encouraged to hunt the Gregors with dogs as if they were common game stock. But, without a doubt, the most horrifying act was the commission of selling Gregor heads to the government to attain pardon for thievery and murder.
I am a naturalist, in the American tradition. I own nothing, only hold things on a temporary basis. Like my car that died, or my bike that was stolen, material possessions come and go. I share what little I do have, and am happier for it.
What Medieval race are you? (Kool Pics)
created with
You scored as Elf
You are a Elf.. Not as wise as a wizard, but wiser than any other race. You are respectful, graceful, and pleasant. You're main power use is magic but you are good at fighting and ranging too. (ranging being you're speciality in fighting) which is one thing you have over a wizard.

Dark Magic User
My Life is 80% Green,

How Green is Yours?
I live a very green life, and I am aware of how my actions help the earth.
Of course, it's hard to be totally green, but, when I make a tradeoff, I know why I'm making it. How Green Is Your Life?
Corvus Corax - Hymnus Cantica
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Amon Amarth - Cry Of The Black Birds
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One for the Geiger fans.
Ulver-Blinded By Blood
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I think rhythm, through music and dance, is the most healthy thing for human animals, next to food and water. Watch this video, you will see a man who will never go hungry for seratonin, playing outside the Strawberry Fields Orphanage
As My Ukulele Gently Weeps
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Look at dramatic contrast on Jackson Pollock Website

My Interests

Food and Water
Nature and God
Social Responsibility
Education and Learning

Gold Lion - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
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I'd like to meet:

Muse - Starlight

WARNING!!! The following video is probably the BEST Final Fantasy music video ever made. If you have a heart condition, consult your doctor before viewing.


American Folk
Folk Rock
Pirate Folk
Irish Folk,
Gypsy, Slavic Folk
Russian Folk
Arabic Folk
Medieval Folk
Punk Classics
30 Foot Fall
Goth Rock
Break Beat
Hip Hop (nothin' blingy)
Symphonic Epic Metal, Spanish, French, English,
Norse, German, et al..
Celtic anything.
only good quality.


The Storyteller - Jim Henson
Lord of the Rings
Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children
Pan's Labyrinth
Moulin Rouge
Star Wars
Indiana Jones
The Seventh Seal
Dr. Strangelove
Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill
Ninja Scroll
Ghost in the Shell


I Don't Own A Television

Battlestar Galactica
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Dark Angel
Neon Genesis
Burst Angel

Trigger Happy - Burst Angel
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The Bible
The Qua'ran
The Baghavadgitas
On the Origin of the Species.


Anyone who will stand up for what they believe
Anyone who is willing to admit when they are wrong.
Anyone who can inspire people to do good things for other people.
Mohammad [Peace Be Upon Him]
Siddhartha Guatama
The Dalai Lama
All the other Lamas
Saint Francis
Mother Theresa
Martin Luther
Martin Luther King Sr.
Martin Luther McGregor Sr.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Dr. Martin Luther McGregor Jr.
Martin Luther McGregor III
Linda Buehler-McGregor
Rob Roy MacGregor
John Paul II
Emile Zola
Che Guevarra
Charles Darwin
The Hopi Nation
The Cherokee Nation
Sir William Morgan
Tenzin Dalek
Thomas Jefferson
Benjamin Fanklin
George Washington
Harpo Marx
John Lennon
Maria Montessori
Clarance Darrow
Thomas Merton
Every monk and nun (not just christian)
anyone who may have themselves been inspired by any one of these individuals
and anyone who is not afraid Bill Hicks is from HOUSTON!
bill hicks on marketing/advertising
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My Blog

Of the Gaelic Lion, a Lil Lone Wolf, and the Black Dragon

Of the Lion, a Lil' Lone Wolf, and the Black Dragon (He is well versed in the ways to epica)   He felt free. Flying higher than the tallest tree, For the first time in his life, the Lion knew l...
Posted by Frank McGregor on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 02:40:00 PST

so cometh the storm.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007 Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22) The image of a neat and tidy Virgo doesn't even begin to touch the possible unraveling of your emotions today. You have been upgraded from a tropica...
Posted by Frank McGregor on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 08:54:00 PST

Poems for a Beautiful Black Butterfly

Que hermosa es la mariposa, que llega por aqui, pero tengo dolor que, no se canta a mi.   I hold in my hand a beautiful butterfly, her wing crimped by some affliction. I will care for her by shar...
Posted by Frank McGregor on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 05:58:00 PST

The Tale of St. Francis and the Sea Lion

The Tale of St. Francis and the Sea Lion (Inspired, in, by actual events)   Stepping from the fae's circle [of life], the Good Celtic Lion found himself struggling to move, weighed by...
Posted by Frank McGregor on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 10:46:00 PST

A Host of Seraphim For Bill Hicks and the Victims of 9/11

Bill Hicks sits amongst them. Check out this Music Video from the Film : Baraka- A Host of Seraphim~ ...
Posted by Frank McGregor on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 08:55:00 PST

grandma is in town!

They've brought Lucy to the Houston Museum of Natural Science
Posted by Frank McGregor on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 09:32:00 PST

A prayer for my Father, this Sunday.

To know me, you must know my father. He began his distinguishable legal career during his college years. As a vocal advocate for civil rights, he helped to push several rights...
Posted by Frank McGregor on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 04:36:00 PST

The Legend of St. Arnold and the Gaelic Lion

(Revised, in good taste, by the gilded tongue of a Harper) ...And so we come upon a young lion, plodding ponderously through the forest, appearing, to the untrained eye, without direction. His forest,...
Posted by Frank McGregor on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 02:26:00 PST

The Full Moon has come out, to walk with me tonight.

It's nice to be able to count on a few constants in life Virgo: You are feeling deep urges to add new meaning to your life, yet your outer world may seem uninspired when compared to what arises now f...
Posted by Frank McGregor on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 08:03:00 PST

My Blood is Rogue.

The Clan Gregor held lands in Glenstrae, Glenlochy, Glenlyon, Glengyle, and Glenorchy. They were descended from the ancient Celtic royal family through the hereditary Abbots of Glendochart, a descent ...
Posted by Frank McGregor on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 09:35:00 PST