Traveling, Fashion photography, concerts, music, fashion shows, swimming, Hawai'i, art, surfing.
Well there are three amazing people i would love to meet becasue they are the reason i am doing what i am doing today. And once you get to know me better you will know who they are.
Other then that i'm not sure who i would like to meet. I would like to meet anyone that will help me with my career.
oh and there's this kid...
I can't get enough of running into him, i mean look at the crazy faces he makes for me. Perhaps one day we can pick up conversation from where we left off 4 yrs ago...
And if i've already met you then put yourself on my map...
Now more importantly then ppl i would like to meet it's "WHERE I'd like to go!"
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I'm a big music fan, i love music and all that deals with it, without music i would go insane. However i can def live without country music ::shutters::. I love all different bands, a small small small list would be Phantom Planet, REO Speedwagon, Norah Jones, Jonny Lang, Catch 22, System of a Down, and well there is this one band that i have loved for about 10 years now, perhaps you would know them by the name of Hanson. Yes that's right i am a Hanson fan and freely admit this, i dont know what it is about them but i cant get enough of their sound, seriously, dont judge them from the song MMMBOP, they were kids when they wrote that. I really recommend clicking on over to and checking out some of their new stuff, awesome!
If you want to watch a good music video and care about helping out ppl with HIV and AIDS go here...
I made this MySpace Music Player at MyFlashFetish .com.
I'm not a huge movie fan. I'm not sure how many people like me there are out there but I can not for the life of me just sit still and watch a movie, i have to be doing something else at the same time. Even when i go out to the movies i feel like i'm wasting my time and that i should be working on something else.
However when i do watch movies i like to watch comedies and chick flicks. One of my all time faves is Almost Famous, I think it's becasue when it came out it hit so close to home for me. Well and then there is "Princess Bride" which has been my fave FOR YEARS because i love all that fantasy stuff. Another goodie is the new cult classic of my time, NAPOLEON DYNAMITE! YES!!!!! And well then there is ... Harry Potter! MMM Weasly Twins and Cedric ::cries over his sad death::!!! hehhe....
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oh and here is a clip from another fave of mine. In fact i was there, you can see glimps of me every once in awhile when they zoom out to the whole crowd, i was at the very end of the piano,, ::SIGH:: he's soooooooooo hot!!!!
Hanson - The Walk
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Your Hands are Beautiful When You Drive
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FUNNIEST SHIT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!....
I like the learning channel and discovery channel, especially when "Face Eating Tumor" is on. That stuff is crazy interesting. I'm also a big cartoon freak, i dont know they sort of sooth my rattled nerves.
yeah okay okay so i'm the ultimate nerd, i love harry potter. I also like reading fact books on things that you dont normally learn about, like one of my faves is "The Smell Book" and it talks all about how we pick up certain sents and thats' why we're attracted to certain ppl and stuff like that. It's really cool.
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