Just make sure yall b there...
Reppin this amazin dancer called Lil Prince! Bro of Stan Bee (check out topfriendslist) Propz!
More Info ‘Bout Me…?
Real Short?
I’m crazy.. I luv to go dumb & stupid and not giving a fuck about what other people think lol.. I juz like enjoying life...
T. aka HoneyDip aka Teezy aka HypahLuv (very old one)
Date Of Birth?
Place Of Birth?
Antwerp City
Colour Eyes?
Colour Hair?
Light brown.
I Am...
Crazy.. Lol, social, difficult most of the time hehe.
Any Sis Or Bro's?
1 lil sis… 1 big bro.. R.I.P..
The VIP’s in my life?
Buddy, #1, Big Bro, Twin, An.
The M(ost) I(mportant) P(erson) in my life…?
The one who knows how to make me breath… He knows.
A group of peepz I go out with for several years.. We only meet in the clubs & talk on phone or msn.. Lol. From Lille: Adama, Olivier, Charlene, from Paris: Eddy, from London: Manu & Py. Always settin’ the club on fire lol.
Yep... My Heart is.. But I'm not.
Ever Been in Love…?
Yea.. Unfortunatly..
Want to get Married…?
I always wanted to.. But I dont really believe in it anymore.
My Life Is...
All about enjoying everything.
Right Handed or Left Handed?
My Weakness?
My momz!
My Goal I Would Like To Achieve This Year?
Finding a place for my own..
Thoughts First Waking Up…?
Your Most Overused Word On an instant messenger…?
Your Bedtime…?
Workin day: 22h, 22h30.
Weekend: 8h in the morning lol.
Your Most Missed Memory…?
Big Bro.. R.I.P.
Do you like Thunderstorms?
Oh yeaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Well… at least when I’m inside… :)
Do U Smoke Or Drink?
I dont smoke but I do drink.
Dutch, English, French.
Do U Believe?
Yes I do.
Fav Sports?
To do: dancin, baseball,…
To watch: footbal, b-ball.
Fav Muzik?
RnB, Crunk, Hip Hop, Hyphy, Zouk, Dancehall, Bubbling.
Dipset... Hehe I'm crazy about Dipset... For a long time now! So yea I don't need to explain why I picked the name Honey Dip right? :) (but i'm not a Honey Dip like they say in the song, im one in my own way, lol)
Damn.. Im crazy about him! Had the chance to see him twice already & met him in october 2006!!! Sumthin I’ll never 4get..
Fav TV programz?
I dont watch TV that often.. If I do its always on Trace TV or MTV Base.
Fav Filmz?
Stomp The Yard, Drumline, You Got Served, Save The Last Dance 1 & 2, Dangerous Minds, Mindhunters, Finding Forrester, …
I Like...
To be alone sometimes.. I think everybody does.
The Things I Hate...
Fake people, chi chi gurls LMAO.
I Luv...
To go out, havin fun, my peepz & famz & doggies lol.
Fav Places To Go Out...
Cinema, NL.
Fav Hang Out Spot?
Ahm.. Tunnel? LOL
NL.. Im there almost every weekend.
What Do U Wanna Do Later?
Dont really know.. Cuz all the things I wanted to do I’m already doing now.. Hehe.
Dancin' has always been a part of my life.. Even tho' I dont dance that intensive anymore I still do love it like crazy..
What Would U Do If U Would Win The Lotto ? :D
Make a long ass trip to somewhere far far away from here!
Fav Quotez?
Cash Talks.. Bullshit Walks…
They Say Life’s A Party.. Guess I’m Not Invited (me)
Love Is A Battle Wich I Prefere Not To Participate (me)
Fav Food?
Everything with tomato sauce.. Lol.
BAPAO !!! Omg thats the shiiiitt!!! Luv it hahaha
Fav Drinkz?
Fanta Sapaya but they dont make it anymore…
Cola Light
Are U a Night Or A Day Person?
Lol yea, U 2?
My First RnB Track?
Mn8: I’ve Got A Little Sumthin Fo Ya… woaaaaaaaaaaaaah haha
What Do U Want Fo Ya B-Day?
Nuthin… Just the same as usual.. seein my vip’s!!!!!
Wich Songs Touches U The Most By Heart?
112 - God Knows
AZ Yet – Last Night
Mario - How Do I Breath
I Can’t Live Without…?
My mobile phone lol..
What Does Life Mean To U?
Enjoyin every sec that U have!!!
Not giving a F* about anything or anyone who’s tryin to mess up sumthin!