TRULY the ONE and ONLY, JUDAH RAY & CHEEKA too profile picture


I'm outa the USA from 5/14/07 (through May 17th my BIRTHDAY) till 6/4. Headin' 2 AMSTERDAM~Bruxelles

About Me

I'm proof Unicorns have no wings.
"lets just play dare, cuz it's rare people are like me and know how to tell the truth."

I change lives
I devolpe dreams into reality
I make impossible possible
I manifest destiny
I control me
I love life
tbc... Judah Ray
Check out my new MySpace page for 100's of pictures, Pop Art, glamour, and more by yours truly!
I bring what I call my "Eye" (aka my camera) everywhere I go. I take picture of who and what I see in my own little world. I have been told that I see things in my own way. As a result I have picked up my cameraman skills and am building my profoilo shooting Pop Art and Glamor models. My new camera is on it's way but I haven't shot pro in years. Here are the first shots for my new portfolio... dig it and enjoy...
I have a problem with pushing buttons... The RED ones are my worst! I'm just a brat like that... lol
"I have ALMOST everything I want... it's what I desire that's left!" ~ Judah Ray 03.08.07
"Always remember, others may hate you- but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself."
I'm not selling myself, just giving the world a clue" ;)
I am telling you this so we can share something to exist for... and of coarse... in case anyone comes searching...
Off the top of my head...
"You can take a moment to show someone you care... or a lifetime regretting you didn't"
~ Judah Ray - Wednesday 1/10.2007, 10:53am
I was asked:
You seem like a player ;)
My only answer:
'Seem' is the perfect word. I am the essence of what women dream a man can be... and so it seems unreal... fake. I was, and can be, a player... I just choose not too play the game. ;) I know what I like and what I want. Imagine a man who has all the suave, all the class, all the game but does a woman right! As you see I take pride in it. It is not easy in this day and age where men are accepted as the scum they are. The way I see it... you can feel good on the outside, or on the in... my soul glows bright and I feel good. Period. Game over. ;)
"Some speak from the mind and are lost in thought, some speak from the heart and get lost in emotions, I speak from the soul where the truth lies but NEVER lies!" ~ Judah Ray
My newest published poem!!!
Tempted for the first time desire meets it maker.
Basking in the excitement of our moment.
True lust as emotion grips the eye.
Indulge in thoughts of temptation...
yearn for life sweet memories that pass from soul to soul.
To chance you could one day be missed,
like the sun to a flower on the dark side of the moon.
Chance has fate planned in our future,
one way to find out... live.
Dedicated to a fact of once known emotions.
Brave the battle fields of discovery...
the enemy of fear has no hold.
Break free the will to do as my soul knows how.
My passion manifests reality,
one way to make it true... live.
Give chance the right to take lead!
Struggle and approach is over,
I sink my teeth into action.
The move has been made,
one way to see what's next... live.
Judah Ray Neiditch
If I was a cartoon:
This has too be said to start... it is a core of me and I have been told to just be blunt with it... so here it is....
I'm special in too many ways and have slaved hard with a lot of sacrifice to achieve the man I am today. ;) Not conceded, just convinced. I wasn't always like this. I started like a chump with most men in the world. A player and a fool. Just cause I had good looks and a brain that could show and prove I exploited my options and indulged in life's greatest beauty. Then I decided I was better then that (and grew up, I started with women at the ripe age of 6 with a girlfriend across the street from my Mom's house!) and worked hard to achieve and be the man I dreamed of... a real man with a real soul. A GENTLEman but still with a strait up and down real BADBOY twist! I installed into my being values and respect, self respect, and respect for women. Otherwise, I am the same playboy I always was, just with character and a wonderful thing called will power. Hey, it's hard when your young, accomplished, and amazing women are throwing themselves at you. It is easy at that age to run the wrong path. But, here I am, a bit older (but still a child at heart) and I am shocked by the boys around me, and how little there are true men out there... worse what age these boys are. I feel sorry for the real ladies in this world. But if your a beautiful woman, both inside and out, and your reading this profile... your one step closer. ;) If your a guy... take some notes! :p
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I want to meet all the great people out there big and small. People are a trip so I like to meet and greet as many as possible! In the end cool people who are fun to be with. No fools who fake the front! No negative jerks who don't know how good life is. No ungrateful asses who don't appreciate that fact! Or losers AKA people who don't know what to do with that life. I'm from the real side of the tracks... where do you hang? If you think you can hang with this REAL thang then add a guy and let's see how down with it you REALLY are. ;) You can always hit me up at: [email protected]
Love is my biggest passion. So I want to meet a woman who is worth that love that I can give, to cherish like a queen, and share life with. Together we can make that life great. I hope for a union one day with a woman who wants to join in with me to conquer the world. I want a woman in the streets, who's a freak in the bed. A lady on the streets, and a freak in the sheets! WHERE YOU AT?!?!?!? I'm a sucker for innocence with a bad girl streak. It's said that a pure and true love like that is a VERY hard thing to find in the world. Let alone our backwards world here in HollyWIERD. Oh is it true. Guess I will just have to have fun and play until then! There are just WAY too many women in this city. TOO BAD MOST (most being the key word here) SUCK (and not in the good way people)! Being a helpless romantic though, I push through. I believe it can happen in this city. I have faith. There are those radiant beauties out there few and far in-between... WHERE YA AT?!?!
I love the experience of when I reap all of what I sow. I am a fashion whoer! Not label hoar people. I like what I like to look good in, and if I look good in it I get it. I have a look of my own and keep my look fresh every few months. Though you can ask anyone who knows me I yams who I yams and that inside is who I yams. My attitude doesn't change just my outlook on life and how I deal with it on a better level.
Ahhh, about me... (I am a writer so hold on tight) I enjoy not being like everybody else. I'm as they say unique. I walk, talk, lick, stick, move and groove in my own way. I'm always on the look out for more people like me who want the most from life, and know with the dedication and respect they have, they are going to get it! The rest is history! ;) I know what I like and what I don't. I know what I want. Though I am ALWAYS up too new experiences and excitement! Who knows what is out there I might find passion for next. It's a giant world filled with crazy sh*t and beautiful dreams. Wow, the curiosity is already tickling me! I love life, and life loves me back. Being an insomniac I find a lot of time on my hands. I only need around 2 - 3 hours of sleep a night! So I'm usually out and about doing my Judah Ray thang. Doing all I can with the extra 6 hours a day I get then most. I do love sleep, don't get me wrong. My body just doesn't need or like it or something. The ONLY thing that brings me ANY kind of good rest is a woman to cuddle up too like a teddy bear. Then I can do a good 5 - 6 hours of sleep! For now until I find a woman worth the good and epic love I want to give comes along I just lax with my doll Cheeka. She is so cute in the mornings she just makes my want to cuddle up and crash back out. If you have no clue who I am talking about, LOL, That's my girl. Good for everything but sex. Ha!
Film is a big part of my life right at the moment. I am currently building Hollywood's next giant film studio. Look out Lions Gate we are on your tail. Check for our films by A-Level Pictures. I am also in development with MGM on some GREAT projects. I have my desk over there and stop by here and there to check on how things are going. I love the movies and watching flicks. Music is a passion and I live my life to a sound track. Snowboarding is the bomb! I love to rip it. Years deep now. I'm down with most extreme sports. Lets see... being with friends, dancing, spooning, laughing and playing. I am a workaholic, business is another BIG passion. I'm also into going to the gym and keeping fit (no I'm not a gym guy) I just like looking good. (Plus those two little indentions between the hips!!!) I like to do funky, fun stuff, like bowling, hiking, mini-golf, skating, hanging at the beach, etc.. Traveling is a must, but sometimes I just run away to my condo in Palm Springs for a weekend to clear my head. SO BEAUTIFUL AND ROMANTIC!!! Or even just stay home, cook a nice dinner (I'm a gourmet chef along with a studied masseuse, CA licensed bartender, PrePych, PreLaw and more... I love knowledge), and can go out and take over the night or just chill... settle down to watch movies on a Saturday till' the AM. I am just good like that.

After being asked time and time again how I have done what I have done and do what I do I offer this... it's the best I got for ya students of life out there ;)
An intimate look at JUDAH RAY NEIDITCH
Born to Elvis' hair stylist and a Los Angles Contractor/Developer Judah Ray had producer in his blood from birth. He is an entrepreneur, Feature Film producer, VIP event producer, nightclub producer, fashion designer, published poet/writer, artist, creative director, graphic designer, deejay, marketer, agent, creator, Inventor, philosopher and true businessman who owns five companies within the entertainment industry… and that is only the beginning.
Despite his family Judah Ray took it upon himself at 15 years old to go out into the world and find his place. Disowning himself from his family, working with nothing, he found his heart in business and never turned back. A true businessman at heart he saw opportunity in the early years of the Los Angeles’ electronica dance scene. Throwing countless events in everything from all night warehouses to the top nightclubs in LA, he soon rose to be one of the West Coasts top event producers at just 16! Seeing a need for creative design in the world of events, and not being able to find an artist who could achieve the “graphic look” he yearned for in his marketing, he invested into the high-end design world. Starting under other design firms he learned computer art and web development. With this knowledge he then branched off into his own company Elite Design Multimedia. Yearning to achieve social status and drive his profit Margins up Judah Ray noticed that "21 and over" nightclubs, Galas and Premier parties were the next big thing. At 16 years old began Inner City Nights which held events at such infamous locations as the 8420 Sunset, and The Roxbury, never leaving the front door for fear of being I.D.ed not being able to return into his own venue. Desiring to push his production skills to their best, and having a serious passion for film since youth, Judah Ray took odd jobs around the Film, Television and Music Video industry. Seeking all kinds of work in the Art Department, Make-up, Grip, Electric, Production office, even P.A., Transportation and more to learn and gain momentum in the industry. After seeing a lack for work for nonunion workers to get hours and achieve union status, coupled with countless calls for work while already on set, he created Cineaste Inc. to help onset employees find employment and compile hours for union status. Plus, at the same time not loose the work offered to him. By keeping all these people working and dedicated to his dream, all while gaining knowledge himself, Judah Ray gained the momentum to start A-Level Pictures, his own feature film studio and produce, by himself, his first full length feature film. He is now on the verge of selling television next big show, the launch of his Lingerie line, a new nightclub formula never scene by the LA scene and more! Judah Ray is now positioned to make his mark on the world.

An intimate look at the endeavors of JUDAH RAY NEIDITCH
A producer from birth Judah Ray finds his joy in bringing together people, to make a product, to entertain the masses and turn a profit. As he has said, "If I wasn't a producer I don't know what else I would be doing," and he makes sure to keep that dream alive. With no family or friends in the industry Judah established himself by starting his film career on others movie sets. He helped on projects with infamous directors like Lil' X to first time productions by seasoned veterans like Jsu Garcia and TAG Entertainment. Making their dream projects a reality while he planned his own. Then with the start of his film production studio, A-Level Pictures ( he was well on his way. His first feature film, One Among Us, stars James Russo and was shot by DP Gavin Alcott (Son of John Alcott, Stanley Kubricks DP on his greatest films) and is an amazing horror film with a whodunit edge leaving audiences thrilled and wanting more. With prospect distributors like Lions Gate, Warner, Fox, Searchlight, Gibraltar and others interested the film is positioned for greatness. A-Level Pictures has six films in slate and some T.V shows in the works for 2005-2006. They plan to corner the market and make a name as the newest studio to take Hollywood. Look out for One Among US in theaters fall 2005. A-Level Pictures is also in preproduction of the pulp, soon to be a classic, "My Way" also written by Judah Ray, and the next edgy thriller they just optioned "12 Steps Down," both looking at a 2006 production schedule. After his films wrap he went piggy backing to help Gibraltar Internationals project Bassem Takes Hollywood in which they partnered with Tapestry Films Trevor Stewart from this summers hit Wedding Crashers. To this day he produces his projects while remaining active in helping his Hollywood industry make their next moves and dreams come true.
Judah Ray also runs and operates a new vision in the industry named Cineaste Inc. which him and partner Michael Popek innovated. The new company Cineaste in an organization of filmmakers from Producers to P.A.s looking for work in the entertainment industry. Through the web site .. and word of mouth Cineaste networks these collaborating professionals with jobs on sets. Accompanied by the good Cineaste name, and other professionals as references, the jobs are easier to come by. This also creates a gateway for Cineastes' sister company A-Level Pictures to find crew that is available for their shoots. In the end setting up the opportunity for the best professionals in the industry, to be available for a rate, that is lower then most. Helping bring their projects in way under budget with way more production value then most independent films. In the future Cineaste Inc. plans to have entire sets of one hundred even two hundred people entirely ran and operated by members who secured their position on set through Cineaste Inc.
An event specialist for over a decade now in Los Angeles Judah Ray started his entertainment career at a very young age with a series of huge events during junior high and high school! Pulling in numbers of five hundred to one thousand plus attendees with just music and a location. Then he found himself looking towards all night dance events called raves in early 1991 as a means to keep this love for entertaining an organizing the masses thriving. This passion as time passed grew into a love for special events, concerts, nightclubs, bars, and the whole aspect of the entertainment industry. Thriving on his love for that entertainment industry, and feeling that elements were missing that could make the entertainment experience better; he began to do his own events in early 1996 with Inner City Underground (I.C.U) events. He began by promoting one of L.A.'s most successful nightclubs, Magic Wednesdays (running at such infamous nightclubs as the 8240 (Now Dublin's), the Roxbury, The Arena, and The World (7070 Hollywood Blvd.). While at the same time producing and promoting all-night concerts, clubs, weeklies and rave events. Marketing events all over the great Los Angles area with venues from the suburbs and Long Beach, to the open air of Angles Crest and the deeps of the 909. As time passed he went on to produce over eight successful weekly clubs and over thirty all-night events with numbers from an intimate 100 to a massive 10,000 attendees. After a two-year hiatus he returned in 2003 with Inner City Entertainment ( and partnered with some of LA's strongest promotional and marketing companies. 2004 marked a new year where we he took I.C.E. into a VIP world. Taking on the responsibility of representing, marketing and managing LA's finest high-end nightclub VIP areas, events, and social gatherings. Working with some the most exquisite hot spots and production companies in town. At L.A.'s most infamous and exquisite events, nightclubs and lounges such as The Highlands, The Loggia Restaurant, Garden of Eden, the Sunset Room, Deep, Prey and Bliss to name a few. Including organizing events for cooperate companies including magazines, fashion shows, galas, wrap parties, premiers and more to birthday parties for the stars. Currently I.C.E is holding six weekly events and one monthly social gathering. Judah Ray also partnered with Sid Zuber to create The ESP Group ( Their main partnership was with Golden Voice; the company that has secured the Coachella Film Festival for five years now, in managing the operations of the festival, along with providing and producing the Coachella Film Festival each year. Recently they brought the Vans Warped Tour to Long Beach providing venue, production and coordination for the event. In 2005 they will be worldwide starting with a three-day festival in Amsterdam sponsored by EA Sports at Dance Valley that looks to pull 90,000 attendees. They have also been invited to produce a fifteen day festival in Thailand at an amusement park with names such as Green Day and Gwen Staffani to name a few. ESP will also handle the tour after parties across the country for Slip Knot. They plan to help host the wrap and premier party for The 1 Second film and will be working close with LUSH events to ensure that the special occasion goes off to the best of it's capability. Last but not least ESP is responsible for coordinating a huge industry mixer in August at the Hotel W in Los Angeles where they will provide atmosphere and environment suited for the stars for a night of industry networking and good times.
Also a highly sought out artist in L.A. Judah Ray owns and operates Elite Design Multimedia ( that is vastly becoming Hollywood's stop for design with flare. EDM has been around since early 1995 and started in the Los Angles concert and club scene. Specializing in Hi-End design, 3D modeling, web mastering and e-commerce they boast “If you can imagine it he can design it.” The company has designed for every major club in Los Angles. 80% of the club designs for the late part of the 90s in L.A came from this design studio and this solo designer. Designing directly and indirectly revered art for Coke, Patron, E Channel, VH1, MTV, DefJam records, 40 below vodka, Vitamin Water, Vogue, Playboy, URB magazine, and others. Judah Ray even did time with Cherokee Clothing helping revamp the Cherokee look along with SideOut, Mossimo, Gotcha, Carol Little and many others as their creative director. EDM has designed for multimedia from music videos for Brandy, 50 Cent, Velvet Revolver, Fabulous and others to film, TV, print ADs, magazines, even cooperate identities. Director Lil' X calls on him for all his major music video designs. Most major promoters in L.A. still call upon EDM to design their concert and club marketing needs. With the show "Blow Out" on Bravo looking his way for designs, and the motion picture and TV industry calling, 2005 is a great year so far for EDM.
In 2006 Judah Ray finds himself on the verge of a new frontier. With his feature film on the market for sale, the start of his lingerie line, Jray Fyhrie, a new show on the horizon that will change the way people view scripted television; Shangri-LA, and a few other projects unmentionable in slate Judah Ray is looking to become one of the next big moguls behind the scenes of the entertainment industry and more. Now established with MGM Studios in the Century City Towers expect to hear and see a lot of Judah Ray into 2007!

Written by my PR.
"There is a way for sure you can tell if you HAVE truly been in love before... If you are willing to spend every day of your life in the struggle, happiness and even sometimes pain of trying to find it again... just to feel the real power of LOVE even for just one more moment in life."
Judah Ray May 17th 2006 2:45pm
"I have one secret.... I am a lover ...I love to love. nobody really knows that about me other then those who i have loved truly, and even yes some I haven't, in my search for the truth. In fact most people think the opposite of me. Society tends to stereotype lovers like me... I am a cheeseball hopeless romantic as corny as they come....I keep it a secret because people think we are desperate...I hate that...I just want someone to wrap their little warm naked sweaty body around me...and people think I am desperate. That's all I want to think about ...that's all I want to talk about...That's all I want lay naked and makeout. Let me see if I can help you get a feel for me...for starters ....I am not an actor (in EVERY sense) and I am not a model (well, work wise). It's moments like these that you can be proud not to have that title. I have no tattoos ...only a couple of peircings... and I am a total man but truly a GENTLEman. I take pride in my wardrobe and style, and I am known for having the goods. I have nothing fancy to write about other then my feelings and times.... Sorry I don't care to impress you. So there you have it... I am a very curious man (I want to see and know everything) I'm just a passionate boy who wants to lay naked and make out ...that's all I want to do ......I just want someone to hug me and wrap their naked body around mine right now....My hobby is cuddling favorite thing to do is be naked in bed loving and kissing .....It's one of the things I know I am good at....All I want in life is to makeout naked, Did I say that already. I'm a lover ....I love to love ...... I just want to love someone now...I want to feel my lovers hot sweaty body smothering me at all times...I am not a sex addict ... Ok, I do LOVE sex but with the right person and the right person only! I am a corny hopeless romantic...looking for someone as passionate and corny as me to rub naked bodies with and makeout. That's all I want. That's my secret...I spend most of my time fantasizing about making love to someone it's deep hot passionate love....she is so close to me I can feel her sweaty chest rub against mine....I can feel her breathing in my mouth...I want to swallow her......It's a faceless woman I fantasize about...I haven't put a face to her yet...that's my better not tell anyone or laugh at me!"... Quoted!
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant. Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a Reason, a Season or a Lifetime.
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I'm a published poet and part of the International Poetry Society. I love words...
You can find this one page one of the book IMMORTAL VOICES (This one won Editors choice!!!)
Your beauty captivates me.
So hot the sun gets jealous when you walk into summer daylight.
You sweep me away into a world of wonder,
as I peer into your exotic features,
and escape to the time of my first kiss.
I am mesmerized at the subtle way you carry such art,
that you call home to your soul.
Your energy makes great dreams reality.
I feel your passion engulf me like fire does the sun.
I want to swim in your eyes,
play in your smile,
have my fingers stroke the curves of your entrancing figure.
Let's test the waters of passion,
and see how hard the waves hit our beach.
I am ecstasy... take me.
Judah Ray
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
My defenses fading you admit you had me waiting such a while for you.
So afraid that you would hurt me or that you wouldn't be worthy
to have love so true.
I always knew from the beginning that you were also feeling the same.
Took so many years and more shedding of tears than you ever knew.
We finally faced our fears and I decided to be clear about my love for you.
You fell so deep you promised to keep me by your side never to run and hide.
I cherished those times and prayed you'd always be mine.
But the seasons went they flew.
You couldn't keep me here
I couldn't take you there
and now it's over.
I'm sorry I shattered your dreams
it's not as simple as it seems I never wanted it to be this way.
We both got too frustrated and got so captivated with our own beliefs.
The world ripped you out of my heart
you sufferred and decided to start
a life without me.
I begged you to come back you wanted to hold my hand but confirmed it was too late.
I pray for the grace to smile when I see your face with another man.
Just so that you know if you gave yourself to me I'd never let you go again.
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I was told too be proud... so that said....
I'M AN INITIATOR! Initiators like to lead, rather than follow. ... but end up usually not finding someone daring enough to take the front and do all the work. Even the bravest that claim they could hold you down challenge your roar but end up purring lost in a world of orgasmic bliss. You have yet to be tamed and seek one to do so. Both in and out of the bed. You're upfront about telling your partner what you need, how to do it and for how long -- you're good at getting your sexual needs fulfilled. You have a wide sexual repertoire, which you're comfortable discussing, but nothing lights your fire like getting down to business in a very physical way. You're the type of partner that leaves a lover exhausted -- even the tamest of Initiators really like oral sex, while the wildest of this group use food and sex toys on a fairly regular basis. You push yourself to find new ways to take a walk on the wild side. Your challenge is to find a partner who can keep up while letting you lead but can also drive the initiative force so your not left doing all the work and left over it and unchallenged. Good luck ;)
LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED – If you're like many Initiators, you're dominant and sexually aggressive. You enjoy taking the lead and introducing adventure to your sex life. You're comfortable with the territory you've covered so far and you'll continue to explore to your heart's content. Your challenge is to find a partner who wants to explore as much as you do and who will allow you to blaze the trail.
• Nothing lights an Initiator's fire like getting down to business in a very physical way.
• You'll take your partners along for the ride of their lives.
• You like to whisper sweet nothings, or dirty somethings, in your partner’s ear.
• Initiators love to start oral sex with their partners as part of getting intimate.
• Initiators love to watch themselves in a mirror while making love.
• Wilder Initiators like to tie their partners to the bed.
The big picture: Sexuality is a critical factor in the recipe for long-term compatibility, but it is not the sole element. Knowledge and communication help you cull prospects for a lasting relationship. ;) WORD!
I am the dream women speak of while whispering of romance unknown. ~ Judah Ray - Monday, January 29th 2007; 11:44pm
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My defenses fading you admit you had me waiting such a while for you.
So afraid that you would hurt me or that you wouldn't be worthy
to have a love so true.
I always knew from the beginning that you were also feeling the same.
Took so many years and more shedding of tears than you ever knew.
We finally faced our fears and I decided to be clear about my love for you.
You fell so deep you promised to keep me by your side never to run and hide.
I cherished those times and prayed you'd always be mine.
But the seasons went they flew.
You couldn't keep me here
I couldn't take you there
and now it's over.
I'm sorry I shattered your dreams
it's not as simple as it seems I never wanted it to be this way.
We both got too frustrated and got so captivated with our own beliefs.
The world ripped you out of my heart
you suffered and decided to start
a life without me.
I begged you to come back you wanted to hold my hand but confirmed it was too late.
I pray for the grace to smile when I see your face with another woman.
Just so that you know if you gave yourself to me I'd never let you go again.
People always come into you life for a reason, a season and a lifetime. When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do.
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, or to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or even spiritually. They may seem like a Godsend to you, and they are. They are there for a reason, you need them to be.
Then, without any wrong doing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die, Sometimes they just walk away. Sometimes they act up or out and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and it is now time to move on.
When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They may bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season. And like Spring turns to Summer and Summer to Fall, the season eventually ends.
Lifetime, relationships teach you a lifetime of lessons; those things you must build upon in order to have a slid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person/people (anyway); and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas in your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant. Thank you for being part of my life....
"A Reason A Season and A Lifetime"© by Brain A. "Drew" Chalker.
No one falls in love by choice,
it is by CHANCE.
No one stays in love by chance,
it is by WORK.
And no one falls out of love by chance,
it is by CHOICE.
~ Judah Ray
I am not a player. I left the game a long time ago. I don't have any yearn to play a game.... I just never forgot how to hit and run! I can run round those bases when I choose!Judah Ray, August 19th 2007, 12:30 pm
Wait for the person who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on them, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the person who will kiss your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you're in sweats, who holds your hand in front of their friends, who thinks you're just as pretty not all done up; one who is constantly reminding you of how much they care and how lucky they are to have you. The one who turns to their friends and says "thats mine".
"Never make someone your priority when to them you are only an option - don't just be someone's convenience."

My Interests

JRay Photography

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Thank you for your time and support!

"Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve IMMORTALITY." by H Jackson Brown Jr.

I love words about my words that give meaning to the good fight I fight and show some people understand why I take my valuable time to put this infront of your faces...

Thanks... people under estimate how powerful words can make this whole world worth it. Rock on with your badeself!!

Now THAT'S a comment! Such a good quote I had to put it up, and give props to the one who showed it too me... cause that's how I do ;) Thanks doll.

Keep up n' at me and see when it all starts up... and we all get down!

RAD.... thanks doll... glad to know it's all for more then a reason and a season... but for a lifetime! If I spend any of my time on this earth making it even a tiny bit better a place then I can live smiling ear to ear. It's that easy. Period! Rock on wit your badself!!!

and yet another example for those peeps out there who ask why I spend some of my precious time here on this site...

HAPPY HALLOWEEN 2006!!! The streaker strikes again!

My bestist friend in the whole wide world...

I am an Entrepreneur. I own and run 5 of my own companies. RIGHT NOW MY PASSION IS MY FILM STUDIO!!! We just finished out latest feature film and it is being bid on now! The offers are amazing. (Thanks to everyone who helped on this endeavor and enjoy the trailer. To be released soon!)

I am interested in the real deal in life and meeting SOMEONE... are you SOMEONE??? ;)

Be Someone
Be someone who listens,
and you will be heard.
Be someone who cares,
and you will be loved.
Be someone who gives,
and you will be blessed.
Be someone who comforts,
and you will know peace.
Be someone who genuinely
seeks to understand,
and you will be wise.
Be someone kind,
someone considerate,
and you will be admired.
Be someone who values truth,
and you will be respected.
Be someone who takes action,
and you will move life forward.
Be someone who lifts others higher,
and your life will be rich.
Be someone filled with gratitude,
and there will be no end to
the things for which you'll be thankful.
Be someone who lives with joy,
with purpose,
as your own light brightly shines.
Be, in every moment,
the special someone
you are truly meant to be.
-- Ralph Marston

The Digital Art Revolution ROCKS!!! LONG LIVE EXPRESSION!!!
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I'd like to meet:

A person who believes in the same dedication I do when it comes to a friend...


When no one is there for you
And you think no one cares
When the whole world walks out on you
And you think you're alone


When the one you care about the most
Could care less about you
When the one you gave your heart to
Throws it in your face


When the person you trusted
Betrays you
When the person you share all your memories with
Cant even remember your birthday


When all you need is a friend
To listen to you whine
When all you need is someone
To catch your tears


When your heart hurts so bad
You cant even breathe
When you just want to crawl up and die


When you start to cry
After hearing that sad song
When the tears just won't
Stop falling down


So you see I'll be there until the end
This is a promise I can make
If you ever need me
Just give me a call and..


"FRIEND" (many THINK they know but can't handle the truth!)

What does this word mean to all of us ... different things to different people ... some associate this word with just someone u know or an acquaintance... others like me value this phrase cause it means family ... some wouldn't ever stand up for someone they consider a friend... I have seen it happen ... others will do anything for a friend be it drive to another state to pick them up or even get into a brawl for em' ... for the first people i speak of u may not understand the second and there devotion ... this bulletin in for the latter ... those who put all in for there friends no matter what ... but what do u do when one of those u would do anything for stabs u in the back ... the kind that goes through our heart and just floors u... the kind u can never let go or get over ... the life time grudge kind of thing... a loss of all respect for these people ... how do u react ... some turn the other cheek and write them off ... others will go to lengths of violence ... these are just a few examples ... do these people really understand the effect that they cause ... cause yes it can just be written off as a loss ... but others take this as a direct attack on there being ... well I hope I may have opened up a few eyes with this little rant I found and agree with as to the levels of friendship ... and what a surrogate family i.e.: friends are ... so really take a look at your friendships and realize what u have cause these are the people u may very well know for the rest of your life ... who can make your life into something and maybe even help keep it from being nothing ... don't squander it, truly cherish the ones who stick by u through thick and thin ... and to those who don't... FUCKIN' DROWN IN A LAKE LIKE THE SCUM YOU ARE :) Right on to the real and fuck the fakers!

Ok, so now that you know what I think a friend is you can read below a bit about what I look for ;)

"There is a way for sure you can tell if you HAVE truly been in love before... If you are willing to spend every day of your life in the struggle, happiness and even sometimes pain of trying to find it again... just to feel the real power of LOVE even for just one more moment in life."

Judah Ray May 17th 2006 2:45pm

Many have asked what I look for in a woman... I have no color lines and have to admit I love my petite girls but a woman with legs is not a turn off... I love big eyes and a booty.... but let's get strait to the blunt point 'cause anyone can be born with beauty... it takes a truly radiant soul to push to the next level and shine from deep within. So....

If you come from the real; have style with flare and edge plus love to shop till' you drop; like a sweet hit of that sticky icky; know how to party without loosing it and can smile and enjoy yourself without having to be intoxicated all the time (Knowing when and where is sexy); can be true and faithful in all the right situations whether it's work or pleasure; enjoy life and like being part of it; are a lady in the streets and a freak in the bed; dance like nobody's watching from Electronica (House music baby!) to Rock, Hip-hop to Jazz, Funk, Soul and everything in between; can spend a day naked in bed with your cell off; are drama free and know stressing only makes a situation worse; enjoy riding to a loud banging beat or tight track in a sweet ride; can have fun being a dork whether it's people watching, going bowling, or just horsing around; enjoy being treated like a real woman but can have fun and laugh like a little girl; don't text message your moments away chatting with someone who isn't even there when some who is wants your piece of mind and conversation is; are a helpless romantic and enjoy passion; don't have to be out too have a life; enjoy running away to exotic places on the whim; love material objects but don't get attached; watch film with enthusiasm; are business minded and have drive; possess self confidence and beauty inside your soul; have a yearning for epic sex and even better spooning; enjoy eating good food; know how to show true love and lust for a man; have respect for yourself and others; are creative, cute, fun, talented, fashionable, respectful, funky, kinky, fresh, original and most of all never flaky but follow through... then this Judah Ray's for you! Come and enjoy...

Everyone has there Hollywood crush... mine just happen to be close by. ;)

Elisabeth Shue

a YOUNG Madeline Kahn... DIZAM and a YUM!!!

Chloë Sevigny

Scarlett Johansson

Jessica Alba

My all time... UMPH!
Reese Witherspoon

(I'll see your sexy single self out there in the Wood. Kid's or not. I'll be your babies daddy! Ryan ain't got NOTHING on me! LOL!!)

Let's this be said 'cause in the end this is the real deal that you should already know. If you don't, won't, or can't understand just close my page now and get on with your ways...

I dream of meeting someone who knows me real well. Love is my biggest passion. So I want to meet a woman who is worth that love that I can give, to cherish like a queen, and share life with. Together we can make that life great. I hope for a union one day with a woman who wants to join in with me to conquer the world. I want a woman in the streets, who's a freak in the bed. A lady on the streets, and a freak in the sheets! WHERE YOU AT?!?!?!? I'm a sucker for innocence with a bad girl streak. It's said that a pure and true love like that is a VERY hard thing to find in the world. Let alone our backwards world here in HollyWIERD. Oh is it true. Guess I will just have to have fun and play until then! There are just WAY too many women in this city. TOO BAD MOST (most being the key word here) SUCK (and not in the good way people)! Being a helpless romantic though, I push through. I believe it can happen in this city. I have faith. There are those radiant beauties out there few and far in-between... WHERE YA AT?!?!

I love the experience of when I reap all of what I sow. I am a fashion hoer! Not label hoer people. I like what I like to look good in, and if I look good in it I get it. I have a look of my own and keep my look fresh every few months. Though you can ask anyone who knows me I yams who I yams and that inside is who I yams. My attitude doesn't change just my outlook on life and how I deal with it on a better level.

If I could pick someone right off the top of my head right now... The love of my life! Ha! Ok, so let's be real and pick some peeps that I can have introduced too me without prerequisite ;)
Robert Evans. (This is the year we meet boss!), Oliver Stone, Quentin Tarantino, Guy Richie, Ron Howard, Johnny Depp, Homer & Bart Simpson, King Kong, my evil twin, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, God, ALL MY OLD FRIENDS AND RELATIONS... hmmmm. Anyone in the film industry who has dreams like mine and are making them come true like I am.... (more to come)

So, that said... I want to meet all the great people out there big and small. People are a trip so I like to meet and greet as many as possible! In the end cool people who are fun to be with. No fools who fake the front! No negative jerks who don't know how good life is. No ungrateful asses who don't appreciate that fact! Or losers AKA people who don't know what to do with that life. I'm from the real side of the tracks... where do you hang? If you think you can hang with this REAL thang then add a guy and let's see how down with it you REALLY are. ;) You can always hit me up at: [email protected]
and last but not least I say too you...
May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.


Trying to pick a favorite song or music would pinhole me into a perception about who I am that is impossible to do and unfair. I love most music... if I can shake my ass too it, or chill and ponder, I can dig it. I live my life to a soundtrack...
I love all music that moves my soul. Let's just say I carry over 200 CDs with me in my ride ranging from Cuco Sanchez and System of a Down, to House, Hiphop to Rap, Trip-Hop, you name it. I produce events based around music, so I guess you can say it's a part of me. I love it and I show it with pride through my events. Go to my website:

Ok, I am starting the list... with styles!
Funk, Dub, Reggae, HipHop, Rock, Punk, Ska, TripHop, London Boogie, Neo-Soul, Soul, Jazz, Mash Up, Electronica (House baby! It's a feeling! i also dig D&B), R&B, Blues, 80's music, Bop, Classical, Rumba, Salsa, Brazilian Beat, Jump Up, Indie Rock, Classic rock, so much more coming....

I LOVE MUSIC SO MUCH I PRODUCE CLUBS AND CONCERTS... HAVE NOW FOR OVER A DECADE!!!! Anytime you wanna go out check out what I have going on... even invite me... we can meet at the bar for a drink ;)

Our special events are listed below. Scroll down to view flyers.


It's ALL about A SCANNER DARKLY. If you don't know you better ask somebody!
Picking a favorite movie is something a true Cineaste like me cannot have the time to do. But alas I have been asked and asked and now am going to start to compile my films of choice. ;) I have seen most film (and I do not exaggerate here).
One Among Us ;), The Legend of 1900 (Amazing), True Romance, Lost Highway,12 Monkeys, Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, Cheech & Chong, Love Liza, Land Before Time Wrong Turn, Spike of Bensenhurts, Went to Coney Island Be Back in 5 Minutes, Heathers, Biloxi Blues, Natural Born Killers, Swimming with Sharks, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, The Explorers, Flight of the Navigator, Everything is Illuminated, Willow, Fight Club, Hurlyburly, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Where the Buffalo Roam, Electric Boogaloo, Spun, Killing Zoe, Pulp Fiction, Secretary, Zoolander, My Science Project, Almost Famous, Good Wil Hunting, City of God, Office Space, Lost in Translation, Hurricane Streets, About Scmidt, As Good As It Gets, Annie, Party Monster, Adventures in Babysitting, Don't Tell Mom the babysitters Dead, Coming to America, Dangerious Lives of Alter Boys, Lock Stock & 2 Smokin' Barrels, Half Baked, Star Wars, Revenge of the Nerds, Caddy Shack, Apocalypse Now, Things to to in Denver when your Dead, Session 9, Jacob’s Ladder, Fatal Attraction, 28 Days Later, PI, Lost Highway, Igby Goes Down, The Good Son, The Butcher Boy, ZigZag, I Heart Huckabees, The Royal Tenenbaums, Bad(der) Santa, Snatch, Last Starfighter, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Boondock Saints, Breakin', Warriors, Prozac Nation, Transpotting, Punch-Drunk Love, Magnolia, Dogtown, Vanilla Sky, 2 Days in the Valley, American Psycho, Cloak and Dagger
more, sooo many more too come....
GO INDY FILM! Taking over this ish' in the new millenium!
Film Directors:
John Huges, Oliver Stone (Early), Quentin Tarantino (Early), Guy Ritchie (Early), John Favreau (Early), Terry Gilliam, Rob Schmidt, James Mangold, Bernard Rose, Richard Donner, Brad Anderson, Jon Cassar, Adrian Lyne, Danny Boyle, Scott Derrickson, Steve Beck, Stephen Kay, Len Wisemen, Darren Aronofsky, David Lynch, Gore Verbinsky, Burr Steers, Neil Jordan, Troy Duffy, David S. Goyer, Larry Clark, Giuseppe Tornatore, David O Russell, Terry Zwigoff, Paul Thomas Anderson, Catherine Hardwicke, Marry Harron, Michael Gondry, Dan Heffner


I watch AdultSwim ;) and all the movie channels, including Sundance and IFC!!! If the cable company would let me I would only have those channels and drop all the crap normal programming... but they make me buy the rest so I can have the best!!! TVs in my pad play films nonstop!!! Features, shorts, epics, romance, rama, comedy, the works! I love to watch film! I am a true Cineaste

But screw TV when real life is better then any planned reality show or sitcom! Get out! Live Life!!! Love life... MY LIFE, MY LIFE, MY LIFE, MY LIFE... in the sunshine! Livin' life like it's golden! GOLDEN!


In the pile next to my bed being read right now: Kabbalistic Astrology, The Holy Bible, GODFATHER The bio of Francis Ford Coppala, Spanish for the utterly confused, FASHION Art, Art from FILM NOIR, GHETTOART GLOSS CATALOGE LOS ANGELES, Film Posters of the 70's, MENS HEALTH fitness book, and 1 copy of the Zohar


The person who wrote this...
I don't care what you think. I don't have religion I have faith!
Dig this...

If they know of him at all, many folks think Ben Stein is just a quirky actor/comedian who talks in a monotone. He's also a very intelligent attorney who knows how to put ideas and words together in such a way as to sway juries and make people think learly.
The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on CBS Sunday Morning Commentary.
Here with a few confessions from my beating heart: I have no freaking clue who Nick and Jessica are. I see them on the cover of People and Us constantly when I am buying my dog biscuits and kitty litter. I often ask the checkers at the grocery stores. They never know who Nick and Jessica are either. Who are they? Will it change my life if I know who they are and why they have broken up? Why are they so important?
I don't know who Lindsay Lohan is either, and I do not care at all about Tom Cruise's wife. Am I going to be called before a Senate committee and asked if I am a subversive? Maybe, but I just have no clue who Nick and Jessica are.
If this is what it means to be no longer young. It's not so bad.

Next confession:

I am a Jew, and every single one of my ancestors was Jewish.
And it does not bother me even a little bit when people call those beautiful lit up, bejeweled trees Christmas trees. I don't feel threatened. I don't feel discriminated against. That's what they are:Christmas trees.
It doesn't bother me a bit when people say, "Merry Christmas" to me. I don't think they are slighting me or getting ready to put me in a ghetto. In fact, I kind of like it. It shows that we are all brothers and sisters celebrating this happy time of year. It doesn't bother me at all that there is a manger scene on display at a key intersection near my beach house in Malibu. If people want a creche, it's just as fine with me as is the Menorah a few hundred yards away.
I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and I don't think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians. I think people who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around, period. I have no idea where the concept came from that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in the Constitution, and I don't like it being shoved down my throat.
Or maybe I can put it another way: where did the idea come from that we should worship Nick and Jessica and we aren't allowed to worship God as we understand Him?
I guess that's a sign that I'm getting old, too.
But there are a lot of us who are wondering where Nick and Jessica came from and where the America we knew went to.
In light of the many jokes we send to one another for a laugh, this is a little different: This is not intended to be a joke; it's not funny, it's intended to get you thinking.
Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her "How could God let something like this Happen?" (regarding Katrina) Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful response.
She said, "I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?" (She said the same thing when interviewed after 9-11)
In light of recent events...terrorists attack, school shootings, etc. I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her
body found recently) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK. Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school . the Bible says thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. And we said OK.
Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide). We said an expert should know what he's talking about. And we said OK.
Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.
Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with "WE REAP WHAT WE SOW."
Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell.
Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says.
Funny how you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing.
Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace.
Are you laughing?
Funny how when you forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it.
Funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of us.
Pass it on if you think it has merit. If not then just discard it... no one will know you did. But, if you discard this thought process, don't sit back and complain about what bad shape the world is in.
My Best Regards .. honestly and respectfully,
Ben Stein
patience is a virtue.
Thanks for visiting.

My Blog

Call me an asshole but the truth hurts when your being F*CKD

This is for those who don't stay clued in, who don't track the national and global markets, and even if you think you know those who might not know what is realy going on...YA'LL BETTER ASK SOMEBODY!!...
Posted by TRULY the ONE and ONLY, JUDAH RAY & CHEEKA too ;p on Thu, 08 May 2008 05:26:00 PST

Once again my birthday comes and I am off to Europe!!

Here we go again!!! This time it's:Amsterdam, NetherlandsMay 15th - 18thBarcelona, SpainMay 19th - 22ndMarseille, FranceMay 22nd - 24thRome, Italy May 24th - 29thSo, if you are around my way let's do ...
Posted by TRULY the ONE and ONLY, JUDAH RAY & CHEEKA too ;p on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 09:40:00 PST

Dont just drink... GET CRUNK FOR A CAUSE!!!! lol

!!!DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR NIGHT LIFE!!!A weekly Fund Raiser for a different Cause each week... launch date to be announce soon... keep posted.Judah RayInner City
Posted by TRULY the ONE and ONLY, JUDAH RAY & CHEEKA too ;p on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 11:45:00 PST

Become an Executive Producer on a Feature for minimum $5k!!!

I am looking for someone to throw in finishing funds for my Feature Film. Thank you for you interest.Let me introduce myself. My name is Judah Ray and I am the head Producer at A-Level Pictures. First...
Posted by TRULY the ONE and ONLY, JUDAH RAY & CHEEKA too ;p on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 12:46:00 PST

Couldn;t have said it better myself... THINK BEFORE U VOTE! Some real words from the real deal.

We are at an important juncture in American history. Either we can stand together and say enough to corporate control over our government it is time for the people to rule the country or we can go qui...
Posted by TRULY the ONE and ONLY, JUDAH RAY & CHEEKA too ;p on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 04:25:00 PST

Ahhh, finally refound it... U know UR from California when... Californians are better because..

Everyone hates copsYou live next door to mexicansYou say "like" and "for sure" and "right on" and "dude" and "totally" and "peace out" and "chill" and "tight" and "bro" and "hell of" and "hella"(Nor C...
Posted by TRULY the ONE and ONLY, JUDAH RAY & CHEEKA too ;p on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 09:54:00 PST

When asked why I rock as good as I do its cause I care to know that little extra. Take a sec ;)

This is too good! WATCH IT!!! Wow... I learned something I didn't know... cause' you can now know what's cummin' at you ;) ...
Posted by TRULY the ONE and ONLY, JUDAH RAY & CHEEKA too ;p on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 03:35:00 PST

One of my biggest problems....

I have a problem with pushing buttons... The RED ones are my worst! I'm just a brat like that... lol ...
Posted by TRULY the ONE and ONLY, JUDAH RAY & CHEEKA too ;p on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 03:32:00 PST

Givin' props too a damn genius... READ THIS!

BLOCK USERYou areCaughtNo need to fight or lieYou can't make it rightAs this isn'tthe first timeI've caught youCheatingEveryday you spend your timeTellin meYour just onlineShopping EbayEmailingSurfing...
Posted by TRULY the ONE and ONLY, JUDAH RAY & CHEEKA too ;p on Tue, 01 May 2007 09:23:00 PST

The MANY looks and styles of Judah Ray that are still fresh after all these years & rockin' it!

Posted by TRULY the ONE and ONLY, JUDAH RAY & CHEEKA too ;p on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 11:59:00 PST