I'm Hanh...or you can call me Hanhi...pronounced (Hon-ney). I'm just an Orange County Girl, living in this Extra Ordinary World. I really don't ask for much...just as long as you respect me as a person, I will invite you into my life and into MY CRAZY ASS WORLD. I promise I'll take you for the ride of your life!
First off, don't judge me if you don't know me. You may think you know me, but you have no idea. I'm sweet, extremely loyal, and passionate about everything I do. I try my best to be the best person I can be. My main goal in my life right now is to become a great business owner and I will own my own dance studio this coming year. Modeling is something I do for fun and I am not looking for it to be my main career. I love rockin' out in my car. I love singing even if you think I might suck. I love my family, my friends, and my cute dog (who is no longer my dog)! I have been blessed with great people in my life. I am always striving to learn more and become a better person in this world. I have the best niece ever and I love her to death...she came at the best time in my life and I thank God everyday for bringing her! I love shopping...it's an addiction and therapy for me. I love shoes. I love candles. I love quick wit. I love funny, honest, respectable, and great all around people. I love clean people. I love good grammer and appreciate those who know how to spell. Intelligence goes a long way with me. I love being in love. I love being spoiled. I haven't done anything in my life that I regret...I learned from all my mistakes. Because of that I am who I am today. I want to learn something new everyday. I want someone to keep me on my toes and challenge me. Do you dare??
Bitching Session: Please don't advertise on my page, it bothers me so I don't accept the messages. I hate the spammers on here and I won't be your friend because you guys are fuckin fake and lame. Get a job or do something better than bother people. If you're going to post huge images to me, can you make them smaller so they don't take up so much space on my page? Only because it really is a bitch when people come onto myspace and it takes so damn long to load. Don't get me wrong, I honestly love my messages and the cute pictures. Ok now that that's off my chest...
Oh yea, one last thing...I'm apologizing now if I don't get back to you. I get tons of mail a day and it's hard to get back to every one of them. Please understand it's kind of pointless for me to answer to all the "hi" or "how you doing?" a bunch of times. I'm always doing great, I promise you that! My life is amazing and I wouldn't change it for the World! It's no fun responding to the same thing over and over again. I wrote what I wrote on my page so you guys can know who I am. Most of the questions you guys ask me, you can find it all here. It's redundant to write the same answers to all of you when it's right here layed out for you. :) You get my drift? Ask me unique questions, intrigue me with them, give me something I can actually be interested in responding. I'm a busy chick with things to do and people to see. I mean, I do have a life you know. So please don't hate me or be mad at me for not responding. But I really enjoy seeing all your sweet messages and comments when I sign on so...please keep them coming. :)
One Love,
Hanhi xo
"Be the change you wish to see in the world..." --Ghandi
"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly." --Anonymous
"Happiness is a journey not a destination." --Souza
"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." --Unknown
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away." --Anonymous
"Live everyday like it was your last" --Unknown
"What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?" --Unknown
"The Best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart" --Helen Keller
"Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." --Unknown