Bondage, tickling (I'm a ler), female foot fetishism, movies, illustration, comics, horror, Goth scene, etc.Not hard to figure.
Well ... any celebrity women who like being tied up and tickled (Duh!). Failing that, non-celebrity women who are into that sort of thing are more than welcome. :-)I'd also like to meet fetish art giants Irving Klaw, Gene Bilbrew, Franco Saudelli; fetish models, especially Bettie Page, Giovanna, Ashley Renee, Eden Wells, Eve Adams; Quentin Tarantino, the producers of Adult Swim, other like-minded artists and fetishists who aren't complete screwballs ... ah, you get the idea. It's business AND it's a pleasure.
Not much time for that. I'm a busy guy!
Irving Klaw, Franco Saudelli, Quentin Tarantino, George Perez, Jim Lee, Terry Austin.