For all of you that might care about that, I was born in 1985 in a small city in the north-east of Italy. I had a normal childhood, until the circumstances made me discover the guitar: the reason why I started playing is simply because a friend of mine who was already playing the guitar incouraged to start as well so we could make some noise toghether. So my mom bought me my first guitar (a flyin V, of course, which than appeared to be the most rockin' guitar ever!!!!). At that time I wasn't really taking it seriously and I was just fuckin' around (I was about 13, or something like that, what else was I supposed to do?).
My mom though made me take lessons saying something like "Now that I bought you a guitar, at least learn how to play it", even if I didn't want to (THANX MOM).
So that slowly took me into the tunnel wich is guitar playing and practice and eventually I gave up with my social life and instead of going out with girls I was in my room playing my guitar (at least I hope it has been worthed!!!).
So now it was time for joinin' a band and of course it happened to be a power-metal band, with other friend eager to rock. Unfortunately it took a couple of years before the band splitted due to different courses of the members' life. As regards me rockin' wasn't enough, but I wanted also to shred with my guitar, blown away from the music of Malmsteen, Cacophony and Racer X (especially Racer X Street Lethal represents a very important record that led me towards the guitar hero concept)!!! So I started to work on some solo compositions, which is also what I'm doing now. Unfortunately still nowadays I haven't had the opportunity to do a real studio recording, but hopefully I'll do that very soon.
So that's pretty much my life, until the time I decided to pack my bags and fly to California for one year to study at GIT....oh, right, before that, in 2004, I also studied one year at Lizard Accademie, one of the most important italian schools for contemporary music.
Now I'm back home and don't know what my future will be like... ____________________________________________________________
____________________________________________IN ITALIANO:
Nato nel1985 a Udine. Mi sono avvicinato alla chitarra attorno ai 13 anni quasi per caso quando un mio amico che già suonava mi spinse a fare lo stesso così da poter suonare insieme e poter dare ancora più fastidio ai vicini di casa. A quel punto arriva la prima chitarra (ovviamente una flyin' V) e nonostante io al tempo non lo volessi, anche le prime lezioni di chitarra che mia mamma (essendo stata lei a comprarmi la chitarra) mi costrinse a prendere. Ben presto però sono arrivato a cambiare la mia opinione a riguardo e sono stato contento che mia mamma me le abbia fatte fare. Il caso volle che capitassi con uno shredder che risponde al nome di Gianni "Jana" Rojatti che alla fine mi ha fatto appassionare al genere facendomi anche conoscere chitarristi come Malmsteen, Paul Gilbert, Greg Howe e Jason Becker a cui poi mi sono sempre ispirato per suonare.
Presto arriva anche la prima metal band della quale entro a far parte e con la quale suono nella zona. In un paio d'anni però anche questa esperienza vede la sua fine a causa delle diverse strade che ognuno ormai stava cominciando a prendere. Per quanto riguarda me mi ero avvicinato sempre di più alla figura del guitar hero anni '80 già avevo cominciato a lavorare ad alcuni brani strumentali come solista.
Finalmente nell'estate 2005, trovati bassista e batterista, ho potuto registrare quello a cui ero giunto dopo tanto lavoro e plettrate, anche se non a livello professionale.
Nel frattempo, nel periodo 2004-2005 ho studiato alla Lizard di Monfalcone con un'altro shredder: Raffaello Indri.
Subito dopo aver concluso le registrazioni sono partito per l'America per andare a studiare al Musicians Institute di Los Angeles.
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