hermit crabs,music,reading,the ocean,skating and BBQ's with my mates. Sites I visit: http://www.hermitcrabassociation.com/phpBB/index.php http://www.crabstreetjournal.com/ http://www.entertainmentarenachat.bravehost.com/ (a new and friendly chat room) My hermitcrab site: http://www.freewebs.com/aussiecrabs
Everyone from Black eyed peas,especially Fergie,but then again I'd have a heart attack if I ever saw her in real life. Would also love to meet some of the friends I've made here.
GNR,The Darkness,Queen,BEP,White Stripes.
Love comedy & sci-fi,can't think of any good movies off the top of my head that i've seen....That's old age for ya;)
Lost,CSI,Simpsons,Supernatural,Futurama & boring nature documentries,also good comedy, Love to watch balls of Steal, so hilarious!(no sarcastic comedy though,there's too much of that)
horror & sci-fi.