Add to My Profile | More Videoswe are very happy dogs. we love our mommy!!!!!! In our pics, the white dog is me, Rio! i am a very special young lady. my mom tells me so. i am about to be five years old! the brown dog is me, Knoxville! i am mommy's lil' boy! i am two years old. i am a big boy though! we have lots of people who love us like our uncle justin. of course he only hangs out with us once in a while and NEVER wants to walk us!!!! we also have an aunt april. she likes us from a distance only. she claims it is allergies, but she plays with the tiny doggies, so we are not sure. uncle brian comes around as well. we have only heard about our cousin floppy, but he sounds pretty cool. aunt pegah comes over and plays with us all the time. we notice that she has a favorite. she likes knoxville a little too much if you ask me! oh, we also share a house with a very weird, brown guy named brango. he sleeps a lot, and strange, loud bell sounds come from his room, but never seem to wake him up. that brings us to our new best buddy and roomie- shadow. sometimes shadow drives us CRAZY (especially rio), but we LOVE him! we love him in spite of his sexual advances towards knoxville!Myspace Layouts + Myspace Graphics
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