Myspace Backgrounds
Kickball, reading cyberpunk, sci-fi, and fantasy, watching Battlestar Galactica and infomercials. I harbor a deep seeded fear of automatic flushers with I share with my pal, the Prince of Darkness, Ozzy Osbourne. I also enjoy lying in the sun.
I'd like to meet:
All kinds of people, young and old, especially people who like to play kickball, get inebriated and dance.
Mash-ups, rock and roll, alternative rock, Rancheros, y rock en espanol.
Lost, Battlestar Galactica, Footballers Wives, Simpsons, South Park, Golden Girls, Elimidate, Family Guy, and sports
Count of Monte Cristo, Snowcrash, Catcher in the Rye, Invisible Monster, Diamond Age, Quicksilver, Ender's Game
Jesus, Prince, and George Lopez