Allsorts of stuff. Talk to me if you are actually bothered.
Dave, cos he's a rave.
Various types, most involving guitars. RHCP, Greenday, The Frustrators, Blur, Alkaline Trio, Arctic Monkeys, Franz Ferdinand, Me First and The Gimme Gimmes, Blondie, Squeeze, The Stranglers, The Damned, The Undertones, The Sex Pistols, Dirty Pretty Things, The Vandals, The Blues Brothers, David Gray, The Coral, The Hives, REM, Take That, Frank Sinatra, Bobby Darin, To name but a few!
The favourite spot is closely fought out by 3 main contenders- The Blues Brothers, Goodfellas or The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I proper cant decide. Other favourites include Rain man, Minority Report, Reservoir Dogs, A Few Good Men (lots of Tom Cruise there!) Kill Bills, Blood Diamond, The Departed, Spidermans, and anything with Christian Bale in. Including Empire of The Sun but not because he is fit in that, since he is only about 12. And The Machinist, bit skinny in that is'nt he? But i The Prestige he is well fit and that is a superb film, and in Shaft he isnt that bad, but the film itself is pretty crap. Fight Club, The Road to El Dorado. I could go on......
Well i own all but one series of Red Dwarf on DVD. Definately favourite comedy, closely followed by Blackadder and Alan Partridge. I love Lost (who doesnt?) and Desperate Housewives is my favourite programme ever. Americas next top model is ace, and Bear Grylls is ace too. Puts Ray Mears to shame!!!
Currently reading a series by Terry Goodkind. Mythological fantasy stuff, like a watered down Lord of The Rings. Loved Lord of The Rings by the way, a bit hard to get through but worth it. For comedy, cant beat a bit of Hitch hikers guide, SO much better than the film.
Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Iceman, Ice T, Vanilla Ice, Vanilla Ice Cream, Cakes, Pies, Pastry, Cheese and onion pasties, Greggs.