Georgi profile picture


Strawberry cheesecake!

About Me

If you want to know...ask!
How to make a Georgi
3 parts jealousy
3 parts brilliance
1 part leadership
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Serve with a slice of wisdom and a pinch of salt. Yum!

Personality cocktail

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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests

Music, Tattoos, Piercings, the 40s' 50s' and 60s', Dancing, My friends, Shopping, Travelling... and pin-ups!

I'd like to meet:

The brooklyn gang...


Rock'n'Roll, Rockabilly, Surf, Doo-Wop, Oldies, Rythm & Blues, Hillbilly, Swing, Blues, some Punk-rock(70s real punk-rock, not what is called punk-rock on these days...)........And crazy sounds and tunes like Hasil Adkin ones... I adore Janis Martin!!!33


Gone with the Wind, Clock work orange, Donnie Darko, Kids, Forrest Gump, Kill Bill(vol.1 vol.2), Grease. Harry Potter(hihihihih¬¬U, si!que pasa!?), and, und, y... don't know, ah yes!LABYRINTH!!! David Lynch' movies, and Alfred Hitchcock's movies and german-mute cinema.


Sanrio world, The young Ones, Married with Children, Buffy the vampire slayer, Roswell...Los Fruitis, Los moomins, David el Gnomo =P and DINOSAURS!


ZIGZAG (José Carlos Somoza), Relámpagos (Lightning, Dean Koontz), La sombra del viento (Ruiz Safón), Harry Potter(all!J.K.Rowley)............:P, Agatha Christie's and A.C.Doyle's (Sherlock Holmes books).


¡¡Felisucoooo!!and gloomy bear!i love him!..

My Blog

Ayayay!lo que pronto llega pronto se va!

Well!here a new post...I don't think it's interesting for anyone, but for me!sooo, don't complain if you read it and don't like it... you haven't been forced to do it!I wanted to put here some pics of...
Posted by Escarlata O'hara on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 04:28:00 PST

Lalala....Shotwell at wednesday night!(or should I say thursday?)

Well well, I thought tonite was gonna be a normal night... like every normal nite during the working week...buttttttt i was wrong!tonite, even that my fav. music bar, was really empty(strange because ...
Posted by Escarlata O'hara on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 08:15:00 PST

High Rock-a-Billy Festival 2006

Bueno bueno... despues de 2 dias y medio de frenesi y haber estado en los años 50... solo decir que no hay palabras!!!Este fin de semana ha sido, posiblemente, uno de los mejores de mi vida :DD. La ge...
Posted by Escarlata O'hara on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 05:16:00 PST

Hopelessly Devoted to You

Guess mine is not the first heart broken.My eyes are not the first to cry.I'm not the first to know there's just no getting over you.I know I'm just a fool who's willin'to sit around and wait for you....
Posted by Escarlata O'hara on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 07:07:00 PST

Muchachouuuu donde vas con Christopher Colon!

Bueno...como el encabezamiento dice...una frase celebre que salio de una noche de locos donde ir a un bar de mods(que no pintas nada alli) y ser el unico que bailas en todo el :club?bar?...(lo que sea...
Posted by Escarlata O'hara on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 05:03:00 PST

Y otra nocheeee

Como no se muy bien que poner, me remito a los hechos, en este caso las ultimas fotos que tengo jejeje Noche rara, con cosas raras :) jijijiji. Pero no falto de nada =P Las dos Gemelas(¡) Long-Tall-...
Posted by Escarlata O'hara on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 12:04:00 PST

Buenas Noches Ninios y Elefantes

Despues de ver una peli que me llego, y me ha vuelto a llegar al alma, me han dado ganas de poner un nuevo post... Esta noche ha sido la mar de rara (llevo ya racha de noches raras). De primeras maÃ?a...
Posted by Escarlata O'hara on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 05:46:00 PST

Otra de mis grandes noches... Bonita Bonita!

Bueno, y ya siguiendo con la tradicion de Shotwell y Flash Cocodrilos, la noche pasada fue... demasiado subreal. Salir de casa a las 12 de la noche y caer un chaparron de no te menees! El concier...
Posted by Escarlata O'hara on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 09:12:00 PST

ayyyy...una bonita noche :)

¡Hacía tiempo ya que necesitaba salir un rato y airearme!desde que volví de mi querida Alemania... no salía por ahí, y eso que fue a principios de junio... No es que yo sea una fiestera, porque me gus...
Posted by Escarlata O'hara on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 04:08:00 PST

Que empiezaaaaaa!yeehaaaa, i have a blog!

 After thinking a lot if i wanted to make a blog or not... Here I am :).   This blog is just to explain interesting( and not so interesting) things which happen to me, or to my close pe...
Posted by Escarlata O'hara on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 05:08:00 PST