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What it do everybody its your boys from the Drama Squad wanting to say thanks for all the love you been showing on the tracks.For starts we are all in iraq doing a year tour here and we should be back in the states by Christmas we hope. We were all boys before the deployment but since we been here the click got a little tighter ya dig. We made a studio out of T Streets room and just been grinding on our down time while we're here. As far as the group T-Streets rep'n TX , Homocide rep'n VA , I-Tunes rep'n LA, Bnoc rep'n NC, D Pizzle the Great rep'n GA, Ron C rep'n SC, Dirty Burk rep'n TX, Black rep'n MS, SI rep'n IL , and Government rep'n Fl. So we trying to represent the south and do our thang we hope you enjoy the music. We still going to keep your head bobbin and your trunk shak'n. When you see your boys dont be afraid to say hey or just chunk da duece. So everybody out there keep us in your prayers that we all make it back to safely. To all the service members just like it a pleasure working beside you and let's do the damn thing and come home.
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