Pats Fan in NH profile picture

Pats Fan in NH

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Please do not assume that just because I set up this page Patriots fan page that my interests are limited in that scope. Ok that being said... LOL Im an obsessed Patriots fanatic...., a season ticket holder and my kids dad. I am an avid tailgater, I like computers and I am an avid gamer and PC modder. I make the best margaritas by the way, I also love to make interesting martinis... Also even though Im a guy one of my favorite things are Yankee candles I love I am also interested in new age spirituality, helping others in any way possible and I am a great listener. So say hi and chat, you can never have enough friends in life.when Im not on myspace you can find me here on FUBAR (formerly CherryTap I have a Patriots fan site there too. To join just copy and paste the link below Send my pics and video to your cell phone!
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My Interests

My family, Tailgaiting, New England Patriots Football!!!, Tailgating art, computers,Tailgating, travel, cooking, Tailgating, hanging in my bar lol, my bassett hounds, the paranormal,Tailgating, earth mysteries, human behavior lol, the ocean, bed and breakfast hopping, reading, etc etc.. did I mention Tailgating? :) You will be missed, get well soon...GO PATS!
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I'd like to meet:

Honest real people who like intelligent chat , esp. other Patriots fans! Im not looking for hookups!!! Just friends ok. Be respectful and you will get treated that way in return :)As for real people there are a few I would invite to dinner, I must warn ya its an eclectic mix, they include The Dali Lama, Robin Williams, Tom Hanks, Rachael Ray (I can out cook her lol), Stephen King, Bill Belichik, Kathy Ireland (already met her but what the heck lol) Neal Donald Walsh, Jesus, and for good measure Jack Nicholson, Al Pacino and Robert Deniro, oh and why not throw in Hilary Clinton for fun...


Ok I admit it I like some of the 80's hair bands, also jazz, soul, and blues, not into hip hop or country all that much.


I have been known to watch chick flicks lol, but I like action/adventure, sci-fi, also movies with heart that make you feel good after seeing them


Sopranos, NFL network, The History channel, I love Science fiction too. Im tired of so called reality TV


The Divinci Code, A Course in Miracles, New age reading, Stephen King, books that empower you


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My Blog

101 ways to know your from boston :)

1. The Red Sox World Series win was, and will always be, one of the greatest moments in your life.2. The guy driving in front of you is going 70 mph and you're swearing at him for going too slow.3. Wh...
Posted by Pats Fan in NH on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 10:42:00 PST


1. Because it's Friday. 2. Because your dentist canceled your appointment. 3. Because you can't think of anything boring to do. 4. Because it's daytime. 5. Because it's nighttime. 6. Because it's exac...
Posted by Pats Fan in NH on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 07:38:00 PST

You know your Calabrese or Sicilian when.....

You know you're Calabrese or Sicilian when..... At least 5 of your cousins live on your street. All 5 of those cousins are named after your grandfather. You still wear see-through dress socks and poi...
Posted by Pats Fan in NH on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 08:35:00 PST

You know your italian when....

You have a nonna.You eat Sunday dinner at 2:00You know what a rice ball really tastes like.Your car has a green red and a white bow with a horn attached on the mirror!You know the words to Dominick th...
Posted by Pats Fan in NH on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 08:31:00 PST

100 reasons it good to be a guy .... hahah

Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. Movie nudity is virtually always female. You know stuff about cars. A five day vacation requires only one suitcase. Monday Night Football. ...
Posted by Pats Fan in NH on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 07:55:00 PST

Hot and sticky night I love it!!!!

Hey what happened to the bulletins?   I just love doing surveys hahaha its midnight and still 90 degrees outside :) I wish it was like this all year!!!!
Posted by Pats Fan in NH on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 09:15:00 PST

I got a sick doggy

well once again up all night nursing baxter who is suffering from pancreatitis, he is wors than a sick child lol such a big baby
Posted by Pats Fan in NH on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 10:32:00 PST

Ok I have had it

I am fed up with being voluptuous, I was on a great diet and exercise  schedule for over a year I went off it a while back and poof Im tubby again. I am getting my ass back to planet fitness and ...
Posted by Pats Fan in NH on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 08:35:00 PST

Im sleepy

Yikes its 3am been here (work) since 2pm and Im starting to get tired.. I cant wait till 7 am I have Wed and Thur off :) and plan on getting some sun
Posted by Pats Fan in NH on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 12:11:00 PST


If your like me you cant stand Mondays! At least Im working in AC tonight lol
Posted by Pats Fan in NH on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 09:01:00 PST