furniture, football, horse racing, gambling (Roulette's the new found favourite), skiing, snowboarding, shopping, music, eating, going gym, dancing like a pratt, block colour, playing piano, drinking, going out, gettin trashed, going on holiday, fiji water, visiting different places in general, meeting new people and maintaining friendships.
the magician who can cure migraines!
minimal techno, jazz, classical (well some), soul, and a bita cheese every now and then
It's very rare that I watch a film more than once, but well enjoy going to the cinema.
sounds boring but quite like watching the news. Also like Only Fools and Horses and LOVED Shameless when it was on. Also watch a lot of sport (i'm far better at spectating than participating!)
Not a massive reader, had to read far too many at uni, but don't mind a good book every now and then. Prefer magazines; images over text every time. Read all newspapers. Every single one of them. Just a different one each day depending what's on the front page. I most definately judge a book by its cover!!
My friends and family, I learn so much from them and love them dearly. Find it hard to look up to people I don't know but do respect what some people do.