Pro Beach Volleyball, San Jose Sharks Hockey, Tampa Bay Lightning Hockey, Osceola Ghostrider Football, Stanford Cardinal Volleyball, Gator Volleyball, and Sports Photography
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In the below video, Sean Scott makes an awesome dig after running the length of the court. The leg and camera lens you see right where he lands are mine!
Here's the photo I took of him burrowing into the sand (out of focus)
The First Wave channel (#22) on Sirius
My Name is Earl, The Office, The AVP on NBC, Desperate Housewives, How I Met Your Mother, Heroes (Save the Cheerleader, Save the World!), CSI, Dexter, NHL Center Ice
What's a Book? (Oh, I remember! Those things we used before the Internet! )
Karch Kiraly (almost as old as me and still keeps up with the young'uns!)