Beach, motorcycles, mermaid tattoos, volleyball, tiki carving, Independant filmmaking, illustrating...
Beachnics, Tiki freaks, Cartoonists, Indie Film Makers, Artists/Illustrators, Kiera Knightly, Musicians (needing poster or CD artwork a plus), Triumph owners and other bikers, anyone with a mermaid tat, firewalkers, and people with creative mindsets.
Lately: The Easy Star All-Stars - Dub Side of the Moon (yes folks a Reggae version of the classic), The Blue Hawaiians, The Martini Kings...text-align: center;" ..
The Big Lebowski, Blade Runner, In Bruges, Sexy Beast, Pirates of the Carribean, Dead Man, The Goonies...
Two and a Half Men
"Tiki Magazine," "Untamed Highway," "And the Ass Saw the Angel by Nick Cave," Anything by Robert Howard, Treasure Island