The Marietta Manglers Wife profile picture

The Marietta Manglers Wife


About Me

I'll snap your neck like a chicken this link for a special message from your local mangler... .....I like to point and laugh (especially when people fall, hey, they've done it to me!), I like when the cashier at Target opens up and waves me over, finding money in the pocket of something I havent worn for a while, calling in at work and just laying around all day, good conversation, catching a favorite song on the radio even if I have it on cd, a good pun, boxed wine, Newport cigs, popcorn and ice cold diet coke, scary movies, foreign/Indie films, a good thunderstorm, daydreaming, dimly lit rooms, watching scary movies in the dark, strong coffee, the smell of fresh cut grass,the smell of old books, thrift store shopping, (I love other peoples junk), gothic art, finding old pictures, I have quite the soft spot for Crispin Glover, Vincent Gallo and Norman Reedus...the Oompa Loompas used to scare the hell out of me as a kid, but I always dug the flying monkeys...the list goes on and on.....Mr. Panza..thank you for making this! xoxox
You are Norman Bates, from "Psycho."
You're creepy.
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In a Past Life...
You Were: A Jittery Fortune Teller.Where You Lived: Ontario.How You Died: Decapitation. Who Were You In a Past Life?
Angry Girl
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| View | Add Favorite THIS is the very defenition of COOL - especially the guy in the middle! Me and the Rockingest Rocker that ever Rocked!
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My Interests


Morrissey, Steve Buscemi, Rob Zombie,
Rue Morgue magazine,Fangoria, Living Dead Dolls
Carnivale, The Shield
movies that make me think, cry, laugh till I cant breathe or scare the crap out of me
.....anything somewhat bizzare....You can find beauty in the strangest of things

I'd like to meet:

Me 20 years ago so I could warn her to be more careful about the choices she makes.... and I'd love to sit down for coffee and cigarettes with these guys:

Thank you Mr. Munster!


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Morrissey, Staind, B-52's, Depeche Mode, The Cure, New Order, Psychadelic Furs, Ministry, The Ramones, The Monkees, The Sex Pistols, Mettalica, My Chemical Romance,

Rob Zombie, Marilyn Manson (I dont care what anybody says - the man is gorgeous),

Beastie Boys, your classic bands like Zeppelin, Sabbath, AC/DC,

Van Halen (not Van Hagar) yeah - basically anything I grew up listening alot of the new stuff...


The Devil's Backbone, A Tale of Two Sisters, JuOn, The Eye, Battle Royale,Audition,Premonition (Japanese version), Halloween (BOTH), Devil's Rejects, House of 1000 Corpses, Santa Sangre, Pan's Laberynth, Thesis, Perfume, Lost Highway, Halloween, Alice Sweet Alice, Freaks, Carnival of Souls, The Centinal, The Exorcist, Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer, SAW, Hostel, High Tension, Shaun of the Dead, Cabin Fever, Haxan, Se7en, Carrie, Oxygen, From Hell, Edward Scissorhands,Frankenweenie, Sleepy Hollow, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Nightmare Before Christmas, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Mars Attacks, Corpse Bride, Love Me If You Dare, I'm Not Scared, Central Station, Lovers of the Arctic Circle, CLUE,Young Frankenstein, Tommy Boy, Joe Dirt, Old School, Anchorman, Dodgeball, Slapshot, I Love You to Death, So I Married an Axe Murderer, ConAir, Suicide Kings, Boondock Saints, Curdled, Jawbreaker, Clay Pidgeons, Very Bad Things, The Big Hit, Bully, Trainspotting, Session 9, The Warriors, The Wanderer's, Whats Eating Gilbert Grape, Crooklyn, Do The Right Thing, Box of Moonlight, Muriel's Wedding, The Pope of Grenwich Village,The Falcon and the Snowman, This Boys Life, Baskeball Diaries,Brighton Beach Memoirs, Stand By me, Virgin Suicides, The Aviator, Ed Wood, Serial Mom, Hairspray, Polyester,Pumpkin, Detroit Rock City, Welcome to the Dollhouse, May, Party Monster, Saved, Clerks, Clerks 2, Mallrats, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, 16 Candles, Breakfast Club, Mr. Mom, Heaven Help Us, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Loverboy, Pretty in Pink, The Outsiders, Rumblefish, Over the Edge, Turk 182, TAPS, Streets of Fire, Coupe DeVille Secretary, Donnie Darko, Dead End, The Lost Boys, True Romance, Fight Club, American History X, Track 29, Sid and Nancy, The Filth and the Fury, DogTown and ZBoys, Lords of Dogtown, Fargo, Resevoir Dogs, A Bronx Tale, Goodfellas,Once Upon a Time in America, Taxi Driver, Cape Fear (both versions) Lone Star State of Mind, Buffalo 66,The Funeral, Natural Born Killers, Things to do in Denver When You're Dead, The Good Girl, Napoleon Dynomite, The Wizard of Oz, Undertow, The Machinist, Ghost World, Trees Lounge, El Arte de Morir, Funny Games, Run Lola Run, With a Friend like Harry, Open Your Eyes, Burnt Money, Lisboa, Amorres Perros, The Crime of Father Amaro, Deep Crimson, Bad Education, Tinta Roja, Tuno Negro, The Weeping Woman, The Days of Wine and Roses, The Apartment, Some Like it Hot, Sunset Blvd, A Place in the Sun, The Kid, White Heat, Angels with Dirty Faces, The Public Enemy, Rope, Psycho, Vertigo, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?, Burnt Offerings, Play Misty for Me, American Pop, Black Christmas, Rabid, Triology of Terror, The Little Girl that Lived Down the Lane, Terror in the Isles, Toolbox Murders,Dazed and Confused, The Bad Seed, Homicidal, The Other, The Baby, Basket Case,It's Alive, Beyond the Door, Sleepaway Camp, Happy Birthday to Me, Street Trash, This is Spinal Tap, A Mighty Wind, One Day in September, Prefontaine,The Virgin of Juarez, Queen, The Illusionist, The Departed, The Prestige, Lets Go to Prison, Employee of the Month, Just Friends, Superbad, Serial Killer Doc's...Anything Amenabar, Almodovar, Burton, Lynch, Jodorowski, Brooks, Waters....and Hughes!


Arrested Development, 3 Stooges,
The Simpsons, Malcom in the Midlle, Everybody Loves Raymond,Family Guy, Seinfeld
......and Carnivale of course
Masters of Horror (although Season 2 pretty much sucked)The Shield, The George Lopez Show, .....old re-runs of The Wonder Years, Freaks and Geeks, Leave it to Beaver (get your mind out of the gutter)
The Monkees, The Munsters,
The Young Ones, Bottom, Mr. Bean, Benny Hill, Lost in Space, The Twilight Zone, The Carol Burnett show, The Bob Newhart Show, Welcome Back Kotter, The Odd Couple
The Gong Show (THAT was the original American Idol)
and I'm a Court-TV junkie
(anybody remember Prisoner Cell Block H??") ......I'll watch anything if it catches my interest.......


Disco Bloodbath, Wicked, No Exit, We Who Are Not Like Others, Hollywood Babylon, Hollywood Death Scenes, The Bell Jar, Perfume, true crime books

.......I think I have read about every serial killer out there, and if I haven't - its because they just havent been caught yet

.....and countless of half read books that I will eventually get back to and finish sometime in my lifetime.......

My Blog

Not so strange really ;)

OK, so here are the rules. A person gets tagged and starts with posting a blog of their own listing 6 weird things/habits about them. After listing the six weird things, you need to choose 6 people to...
Posted by The Marietta Manglers Wife on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 02:38:00 PST

My "staredown" with a squirrel

So I go throw out the trash today, and I see this disgruntled squirrel perched on the teleophone pole right above the garbage can...I say disgruntled becuse he was looking angry, and chirping, or bark...
Posted by The Marietta Manglers Wife on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 04:26:00 PST


So I go to the wedding this past Saturday of one of my oldest and dearest friends....she looked stunning to say the least - like Audrey Hepburn....just beautiful.....anyways, her brother was there of ...
Posted by The Marietta Manglers Wife on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 09:51:00 PST

Me, the lady at the corner store, and my schizophrenic neighbor I was tellin the lady at the corner store what happened with my downstairs neighbor and the dog, and she says "oh my God, he comes in here and he gives me the creeps! I asked him the othe...
Posted by The Marietta Manglers Wife on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 02:05:00 PST

Me, my dog, and my schizophrenic neighbor

So I take my dog out to the back yard to do her business, and my schizophrenic neighbor downstairs has his doors open, so when my dog is done doing said business, and Im busy  picking up aft...
Posted by The Marietta Manglers Wife on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 01:59:00 PST

Maybe I dont wanna

Why do complete strangers feel the need to tell you to smile?  I hate that....I mean seriously - who walks around by them selves at 7am with a big ole goofy smile?  I hadn't even had my...
Posted by The Marietta Manglers Wife on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 06:31:00 PST

My weekend with Stonz Thro

First and foremost - I have to say that these guys are the most kindest, genuine bunch of guys I've met in a long time.  It was my first time in Cali - nervous Midwestern gal....and they made me ...
Posted by The Marietta Manglers Wife on Sun, 19 Mar 2006 09:44:00 PST

Some one fell on the train tracks this morning.....

and I swear on everything thats holy, that I had a dream about it last night.....only it was me that fell.......freaky
Posted by The Marietta Manglers Wife on Thu, 27 Oct 2005 06:23:00 PST

2 years ago......

was not a good year for me to stay on my feet.... Well, you see - for those of you that know me personally - I am apt to be quite accident prone.....lets start with Halloween of that year shall we.......
Posted by The Marietta Manglers Wife on Wed, 07 Sep 2005 07:52:00 PST

People - Why must you smack your gum?!,  I sit...looking forward to going home....the infamous L ride ....I'm happily reading a 2 week old issue of People magazine I swiped from the office....when all of a sudden, I am dis...
Posted by The Marietta Manglers Wife on Tue, 30 Aug 2005 09:31:00 PST