

Who died and made you Nikki Sixx?

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I'd like to meet:

Music Fans, Other Bands, and anyone interested in PARTYIN LIKE ROCKSTARS
.. width="425" height="350" ....


WWW.FOUNDRE.COM CHICAGO'S BEST METAL .A.F.I., Fear Factory, Misfits (by the way if it doesnt have Glenn, its not the Misfits), Type O Muthafukkin Negative, Motley Crue, Danzig, Static-X, NIN, Pantera, One Light Out, T.K.K., H.I.M., Slipknot, Iced Earth, In Flames, T-Ride, KMFDM, Rammstein, Deicide, Carnage, Butch Walker, Rob Zombie, Morbid Angel, Slayer, Midnight Syndicate, Stabbing Westward, Marilyn Manson, Uncle Dirtnap, Reverend Horton Heat, Lords Of Acid, Tool, this could go on all day..............


Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas, Seven, Full Metal Jacket, Evil Dead, Strangeland, Office Space, The Crow (the original, the other ones didn't count), True Romance, any of the Indiana Jones series (who the hell didn't want to be that muthafukker), Ernest Goes To Camp, Circling The Drain ( U.H.F., Alice In Wonderland, Near Dark, Tombstone, Plan 9 From Outer Space, Delta Force, just about any cheap B horror movie, The Big Lebowski, Happy Tree Friends, Shocker, The Fog, Trick Or Treat, Kentucky Fried Movie, Muppets In Space, Night Of The Living Dead, Falling Down, Dawn Of The Dead, Red Dawn, Tremors ........


Family Guy, Adult Swim, History Chanel, Svengoolie Which Tarot card represents you? (pics in results)
The card of Death signifies that something must come to an end.
The card portrays the dark God Hades, lord or the underworld- son of the Titans Cronos and Rhea.
On a spirtual level, the lord of Death shows a final end to a cycle of life- and a new way of life is to come. This does not always mean a 'bad' ending.
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What Type of Villain are You? .


George S. Patton, Harold J. Gerlich, Elmer N. Guertin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Vlad Tepes

My Blog

and so it begins

make sure you know what your government is wanting to take your local representative and tell him to vote NO on the new proposed assault weapons ban............ read on and you'll se...
Posted by Phil"13" on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 04:57:00 PST

this one just NEVER gets old

no matter how many times i read it   HELL EXPLAINED BY CHEMISTRY STUDENT> > The following is an actual question given on> a University of> Washington chemistry mid-term.> > The answer by one stud...
Posted by Phil"13" on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 08:02:00 PST

theres a can of chinga tu madre on the table, help yourself

generally i avoid putting shit that's entirely too personal on here, but i'm going to use this forum to put a few things out there  for the sake of it needing to be done.   i'm not one to g...
Posted by Phil"13" on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 10:21:00 PST

fucking sad to know

that we're turning ourselves into a nation of total candy asses.  human beings are agressive by nature..... it's how we managed to claw our way to the top of the food chain.  now, however, i...
Posted by Phil"13" on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 12:21:00 PST

how pathetic is it

that corporations no longer have to pay celebrities, actors, sports figures, or other famous people, no longer have to pay ad execs or brainstorm in think tanks, no longer have to stimulate your inter...
Posted by Phil"13" on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 07:39:00 PST

sorry bout that

in a fit of serious chemical alteration, i put some shit out there that i probably should have kept a bit more personal.  thank you for all the responses and kind words.  its a pretty fucke...
Posted by Phil"13" on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 07:29:00 PST


the worst news comes to you from the lips of a friend, sometimes, it comes accidentally........ and you find out all those friends have been keeping it from you. This is far worse.
Posted by Phil"13" on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 06:54:00 PST

i love it when a plan comes together

and sometimes, even more when it backfires checkmate you lose
Posted by Phil"13" on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 01:48:00 PST

not only are some people better off dead.....

there are times when it would be fun to watch as a sidenote, winning in life comes thru self reliance, not thru having to sponge self worth off of others...... run rabbit, run     ]end game...
Posted by Phil"13" on Wed, 24 May 2006 07:40:00 PST

ya know what, fuck it

let me start by saying, BRING all your nasty comments, epithets, and bullshit calling me a racist, i could give a red rats ass. this is the way it is as near as i can figure, fuck it.... lets give it ...
Posted by Phil"13" on Mon, 01 May 2006 02:19:00 PST