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Nothing ever smells of roses that rises out of mud..Shirley Ann Manson

About Me

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

A bit crazy a bit deep but live on the surface not like some of the bottom feeders I've come across in my time. Constantly dabbling in all areas,themes and differing media to make art and question my world. All in all I'm a just a man that is living his life and trying hard not just to exsist.....but make some difference

My Interests

I am interested in the contents of the world and what makes it spin. Anything that I can learn from. Making and viewing Art, Music for pleasure. I tend to like the smaller things and like to search out and discover. I was once told by a wise person that an interesting failure was better than a boring success and I tend to agree.

I'd like to meet:

People who understand that life is a two way street and the traffic can sometimes be heavy, creative, adventurous and a little crazy but not dangerous if you know what I mean. If you ask to be added and I agree that's all good, however, if you don't communicate within a few days I figure you are not that interested and so I will delete, no hard feelings, I'm not a collector of profiles for the sake of whatever.....


Bjork, Nick Cave, Depeche Mode, Flaming Lips, Foo Fighters, Placebo, Pixies, PJ Harvey,Mick Harvey, Cruel Sea, Tom Waits, Strokes, Iggy, White Stripes, Morphine,Ween, Magic Dirt, Butthole Surfers, Wall of Voodoo, Stan Ridgeway, Concrete Blonde, Tindersticks, Stranglers, Garbage are a few of my favorite things.


Something with substance and a message that gets me thinking long after the credits have disappeared. Bill Murray has done some interesting work of late. Broken Flowers, Lost in Translation and his appearance in Coffee and Cigarettes where enjoyable. Anything by Ken Loach or Wim Wenders appeals to me. Laughed at Bad Santa and Shaun of the Dead. Last cinema experiences were, Trans America, Candy and Jindabyne.


Not to fussed and don't bother as a time filler. Mainly ABC, SBS docos etc. Mythbusters, Chasers war on everything, IT Crowd, The Office, Extras, Glasshouse, Spicks and Specks, My name is Earl can often give me a much needed belly laugh. Special series that crop up like the artist one with Rolf Harris?? oh I did enjoy the test pattern as a child.


Not enough in this department. Liked Samuel Beckett, Artist Bio's. Can often find myself sprawled on the lounge skimming the dictionary.


People who don't follow the majority because it's easier,people who put it on the line when it counts, independent thinkers, my kids, my parents, people that do as they say and say what they do without fear of what the world thinks of them.

My Blog

forces, powers and the unexplainable

So I'm not really sure about all this carry on but it's some weird science. So, what I mean is like the saying being in the zone...as in a sport billy is doing really good..seeing the c...
Posted by Davo on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 04:27:00 PST

baby shower

oh shit, almost forgot, I did my first baby shower last sunday....hmmmm, so ummmmm, yeah...errrrrrr, ummmm, that is a myth that is busted....actually, no...it probably really got going when I left..oh...
Posted by Davo on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 04:45:00 PST


Well. what the, let me throw this one in for good measure...So the 14th of feburary is such an important date....mainly as so that some of the population of this planet can prosper from the dreaded " ...
Posted by Davo on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 04:03:00 PST

an insect in the web

Shit haven't been on for a few days and so I thought I'd spin a yarn...just because I can.Right-e-o, let's get started...So probably the highlight of the week was a mysterious message sent to me askin...
Posted by Davo on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 02:38:00 PST

it's a laugh a minute..really

so....friday comes through, as it does every week, and the phone call comes throught as well as it sometimes does..Wayne..yes the mighty mate that helps to destroy my brain cells, well....nah, just .....
Posted by Davo on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 04:55:00 PST

life process

I took this photo last week while up the coast, so it is a shell of a cicada, what I find amazing about these creatures is that they spend years and years underground come up to the surface if someone...
Posted by Davo on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 09:07:00 PST

from hear to their

first thoughts always raw and loosely related .....a blackened heartflash of lightevidence of lifepulsebreathairmuddied thoughtssettlefiltered emotionviolet dreamssolar seasrain is dueclear skiesbeyon...
Posted by Davo on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 04:41:00 PST


Ride the busjump on a trainsteer the carwalk into darknessget the next flightsleep the nightcan't find my way hometravelling at speedflashes pastwhite line feverno way homegrab a bagread the signsspee...
Posted by Davo on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 07:29:00 PST

equality or sheer madness

had to throw this one into the wind....So in the snail mail last week I pluck a mustard coloured envelope with little ducks running all over it...hmmm interesting??Open this baby up in great anticipat...
Posted by Davo on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 03:43:00 PST

passing the time

Some quotes to ponder....... There's no retirement for an artist, it's your way of living so there's no end to it. Henry Moore I don't like to say I have given my life to art. I prefer to say art has ...
Posted by Davo on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 06:23:00 PST