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History, politics, hockey, baseball, deep sea fishing, hiking, walking, nature, painting, spending time with my family, cooking, reading, music, order, chaos, home improvement, blondes, brunettes, red heads, people with extra digits (I'm always counting - most of the time unconsciously)
The person who has and is willing to share the answers. Call me. While I'm waiting for the phone to ring, I wouldn't mind talking hockey with Tie, writing with Hunter, and music with Syd and Roger.Photos from a quick walk around downtown Hartford in 1 degree weather!/div
Elvis, Johnny Cash, Leonard Cohen, Nina Simone, Miles Davis, Al Green, John Coltrane, Barry White, K.D. Lang, Frank Sinatra, Willie Nelson, The BeeGees, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Morphine, U2, M. Ward, Laura Pausini, Yaz, James Brown, The Spice Girls (really), George Clinton an da PFunk All Stars, The Sex Pistols, Men at Work, The Trashcan Sinatras, Diana Krall, The Cure, Joan Osborne, Billy Joel, Etta James, The Smiths, Andres Segovia, Lead Belly, Billie Holiday-----Every time I see my doctor I snag a pen. No I'm not taking these drugs!I actually have a life-sized map at home!
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Free MySpace ToysThe Hartford skyline from my back door.
Jaws, Casablanca, Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf?, Caddyshack, Blazing Saddles, Rear Window, Napoleon Dynamite, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Barcelona, Clerks, Shawn of the Dead, True Romance, The Godfather 1&2 (not 3!), Private Parts, The Professional, Pulp Fiction, Sid and Nancy, The Blues Brothers, Natural Born Killers, Basically every Kung Fu movie and Spaghetti Western, The Big Blue, Monty Python and the Meaning of Life, The Enemy Below, High Fidelity, Hurlyburly, Killing Zoe, The Life Aquatic, Kill Bill 1&2, The Wall, Tank Girl, Spinal Tap, Animal House, Rope, Pump up the Volume, Spiceworld (again really), Man Bites Dog, Grease, Broadcast News, The Mission, 50 First Dates, Reservoir Dogs, The Usual Suspects, Cabin BoyFriends and family.
Rescue Me, Band of Brothers, Scrubs, Law & Order, Yankees Baseball, Any Hockey Game, Smallville, Seinfeld, Squidbillies, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Daily Show, Anything on the History or Discovery Channels, The West Wing, Studio 60, Austin City Limits, MXC, M*A*S*H
right now...Henry IV, (part 2)-Billy Shakespeare, Soul of the Lion (Civil War Gen. Joshua Chamberlain bio.) - Willard Wallace, recently...Shalimar the Clown - Salman Rushdie, The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini, The Truth - Al Franken, Fear & Loathing in America - Hunter Thompson, My Life - Bill Clinton, The Little Friend - Donna Tartt, The Godless Constitution - Kramnick & Moore, The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli, Diary of a Madman - Nikolai Gogol, The I Hate Republicans Reader - Clint Willis, The Constitution of the United States - a bunch of guys, Ficciones - J.L. Borges, The Killer Angels - Michael Shaara.. width="425" height="350" ....
My parents Tim and Cindy, my brother Kevin and sisters Jen, Meaghan, Katie and Sarah, my best friend Marc. People who stand up for what they believe in, and people that overcome adversity. There is no complete person that is a hero to me, but these people have huge parts of them that I admire, if for nothing else than their choices of partners.
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