music, guitars, TOUR, fixed gears, vegan cooking, crafting, kittens, the ocean, yoga, red wine, Red Stripe, Red Sox, Punk Rock Softball, space shuttles, airplanes, astronomy, photography, writing, sewing, slam dancing, bootie shaking, cliff jumping, nocturnal woods walks, swimming & body surfing, recycling, ecology, herpetology, tattoos, Tolken lore, triathlon training, legwarmers, headstands.
Jamaicans, 'cause "it's time to meet JAMAICANS!!"
when feasting from the sampler platter: THE PIXIES, Teddie Leo/RX, Joy, Elliot Smith, Fugazi, Foo Fighters, Dismemberment Plan, Tribe Called Quest, Sly & the Family Stone, Madonna, Joni Mitchell, The Pretenders, ESG, The Heptones, Phylis Dillon, Jimmy Cliff, can't forget the De La!
Lord of the Rings trilogy, the original Star Wars trilogy, E.T., Silence of the Lambs, Suburbia (1981), Metropolis, The Harder They Come, The Royal Tenenbaums, Pump Up The Volume, The Three Amigos, Death To Smoochy, The Big Lebowski, Lost In Translation (basically anything with Bill Murray), Shawn of the Dead, Dave Chapelle's Block Party
TV rots your brain like crack cocaine. But I've always got time for a Red Sox game....
Lord of the Rings trilogy, Our Band Could Be Your Life, What To Listen For In The World, A Brief History Of Time, Where the Sidewalk Ends, Fear & Loathing on the Campaign Trail 1972, The World According to Garp, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
My great-grandmother, who came here from the Ukraine when she was 16. She watched her father BURN TO DEATH! in front of her, leaving her alone in a foreign country and speaking very little English, yet she pressed on, living in a boarding house, doing the landlady's laundry, and working her ass off in a factory. She managed to save enough money to get the last of her family to America just days before the Bolshevic Revolution. TOUGH AS BALLS!