LionsRock SF Guitar-& Bass-Straps profile picture

LionsRock SF Guitar-& Bass-Straps

Sophisticated Rock&Roll Gear In Leather- High-End Guitar-&Bass-Straps, RockDog Collars &

About Me

***** Majestic Straps 4 First-Class Musicians *****One-of-a-kind guitar-& bass-straps production, Rock&Roll statements in leather, initials, logos, names, symbols, reptiles, every width and lenght, pick-and wireless-holders, padded, exclusive hardware.We also offer high-end repair-service for your beloved worn leather-goods.We produce every single piece in our studio in North Beach, San Francisco, USA.Prices start @ $43 and go up to wherever you want your straps to be and however you want your strap to look...Also look at our accessoire line for rockin' dogs and their two-legged can-openers @ out & www.rockdogsanfran.commail to [email protected]

My Interests

Listening to or making good/honest music, taking a break @ 4/20, having a quality drink once in a while and working with leather and intelligent people, reading good books, doing the best guitar straps 4 tight musicians...

I'd like to meet:

any kind of mature, tasteful musicians, confident about style and taste, feeling the blues as heritage and main ingredience to their musical world. In particular I'd like to meet people like Dr John, John Lee Hooker, Paul Pena, Robin Trower, Joe Walsh, Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf and Leadbelly, Tony Joe White and Pete Townsend, Frank Zappa, Captain Beefheart, Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson, Jimi Hendrix and Tom Petty, John Campell (Howlin'Mercy), Atomic Rooster and Janis Joplin, Tab Benoit, too many to name - some ain't with us no more,I know, but others carry on the tradition...


Rock&Roll with style, anger, groove and feel, blues with style, anger, hope and feel, country with a message, rock and swing, and anything groovy in between . Cheers.


Easy Rider, Eins,Zwei,Drei, War Of The Buttons, Blade Runner, Bugsy Malone, Woodstock, Run,Lola,Run, Once Upon A Time In The West, Dead Man


none - 99 channels and nothin' on 24/7


Camus, Turgenjev, Dostojevski, Brecht, Hesse, Dylan


Dalai Lama, Gandhi, Jesus, Chief Geronimo, Dylan