Pollpeter profile picture


I am an artist just doing what I can, in my small amount of time on this planet.

About Me

I am an artist, married with two kids. I am addicted to painting and do it as much as possible with out burning out my wife with kid duties. My work is influenced by surrealism but is emotion based. I tend to focus on the result of outside influences rather than the influeces themselves. We all experience the same emotions, we just don't share the same "triggers" for these emotions. You can see a few of my paintings in my pictures page, but for more you have to go to my website www.chadpollpeter.net

My Interests

My family, art, friends and quality conversation.

I'd like to meet:

Too many too list ............................................................ .....................................................Below are a few more of my paintings...www.chadpollpeter.net "Downward Spiral" sold "Laying Witness to the Breakdown" available "....and when all was quiet, he slept" sold


Tool,Perfect Circle, VAST, Radiohead, Stella Starr, We are Scientists, Massive Attack, The Doors and Pink Floyd to name a few.


Run Lola Run, Star Wars (the original trilogy anyway), Lord of the Rings.


Lost, College Football...Go Noles!


Dark Tower Series (Stephen King)


Dali, Magritte, Francis Bacon, Odd Nerdrum ............................................................ ........................................................Belo w are a few of my paintings....... "The Layers of Discontent" available "Calling a Moon Revolution" sold "Disfigure on Red" sold "Standing at the Dawn" sold "Jittered Stare" sold "Encased" sold "Scarred" available "Essence Accented in Red" available "Displace" sold "Fire With in" sold "Fourmation" sold "Without Her I Would Eat Myself" available "Finding Your Center" available "In Limbo" available

My Blog

Recent "artist's statement" regarding my work.

My Artist's Satement from a recent show. The work is emotionally based, with a style influenced by surrealism. My painting is in constant evolution. Though at times it is minimal, it does continue to...
Posted by Pollpeter on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 12:33:00 PST