Theology, Philosophy, Music, Motors, Muscle... ?sku=X3BOOK112&st_id=157&<img src=" BOOK112-ZOOM.jpg"
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Radiohead, Metallica, AC/DC, Guns N' Roses, Manchester Orchestra, Brand New, Blindside, Under the Influence of Giants, Maylene and the Sons of Disaster, Element Eighty, Jimi Hendrix, Cake, Sigur Ros, Led Zeplin, Lynard Skynard, Nirvana, Rage Against the Machine, Powerman 5000, My Children My Bride, Valeyra, Moby, mewithoutYou, Motley Crue, Norma Jean, The Chariot, Charlie Daniels, Hank Williams Jr., Johnny Cash, U2, Silverchair, Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip, Flobot...i'll put more later..
.. ..>MewithoutYou "Paper Hanger">.. ..>mewithoutYou "January 1979">.. ..>
300, Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, American History X, Man on Fire, Snatch, Heat, Dogma, Good Will Hunting, As Good as it Gets, Snatch, Full Metal Jacket, Matrix Trilogy, Crash, Pride and Prejudice (the 6 hour version), The Passion of Christ, Wayne's World, Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure, Dirty Harry or any old Clint Eastwoodand (even the spaghetti westerns)
the only shows I really watch are things that Shayla and I watch together like Lost, Grey's Anatomy and Denny Crane (Boston Legal). Well I do also watch the goofy automobile stuff on spike tv (Trucks, Extreme 4x4, Muscle Car, Horsepower TV) and the history channel.
The Bible, Desiring God by John Piper, The Radical Reformission by Mark Driscoll, The Celtic Way of Evangelism by Hunter, The Gospel in a Pluralistic Society by Newbigin, The Institutes of the Christian Religion by Calvin, Warranted Christian Belief by Plantinga, Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, Beyond Liberalism and Fundamentalism by Murphy, Some General stuff by N.T. Wright, The Book of God by Wangerin, The AntiChrist by Nietzsche...and a bunch of other stuff
even though it's so cliche, ...Jesus, I'd like to be as amazingly honest and good as my wife, my mom is one of my heroes b/c she broke out of the mold of ignorance and self pity, I want the passion of Luther, the mind of Calvin and Edwards, and the oratory skills of Chrysostom and Spurgeon, I wish I knew a man that was alive to imulate...only a few come to mind...Bo Thompson who is the most disciplined guy I know, Kelly Pigot my first real youth pastor who was also the first man I ever wanted to be like, Duane Compton (my father in-law)-for his honesty, integrity and drive, Mark Moore for his spiritual kahunas, Bobby Pruitt for his wisdom and love for the Bible.