music listening, drums, guitar, movies, camping, outdoors, water skiing, snow skiing (a lot), art, wood working, coffee, steak, chocolate cake
People with same interests and others to chat with
Grew-up on classic rock, 80's metal and new wave, out of the ordinary bands, some techno and country, I enjoy listening to almost any type of music.
The Natural, The Matrix, Jeremiah Johnson, Lonesome Dove, Caddy Shack, Foul Play, The Blues Brothers, Braveheart, Valley Girl, Scarface, The Exorcist, A Painted House, Gladiator, The Omen, Ronin and Chariots Of Fire just to name a few.
Sports, comedy, news, home improvement shows, 'The History Channel', 'The Jon Stewart Show', 'The O'Reilly Factor' and I think that Conan O'Brien is hilarious.
Home improvement periodicals, Reporting From Berlin, (Non-fictions about 19th and 20th century history) , but I haven't leisurely read much, lately.
Dwight Eisenhower, Jimmy Page, Jim Thorpe, U.S. Armed Forces & Christ